Season 9 Ep 1&2

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But, I have chosen to finish out this book being as all of you awesome readers have stayed with me for this long!

Anyway, let's get to it!


"Babe? He's up again?"

"Yup, I think they do it so we don't sleep!" I scoffed.

"It'll get better!"

"Or, we could find a nice house, or orphanage, or SOMETHING! Then, we can forget this ever happened and get sleep!"

"Oh, come on, I'll take him." Brooke smirked, taking Carter from my arms. "Daddy doesn't mean that, huh?"

"Only a little!" I teased, "I mean you drive in the night hours and I walk around like a corpse! They're cute, someone would take them."

She took a seat next to me, "Are you sure that this stress doesn't have anything to do with your album release?"

I sighed and leaned back, "It's gonna be successful, right? It isn't going to be some major bomb?"

"It's going to be THE bomb... It'll go great." She smiled, placing a kiss onto my lips before sneaking off to Carter's bedroom.


"I just don't know why you can't be the producer, Hales! Do you know anything about this person!?" I scoffed, meeting up with Haley at the studio.

"Nope!" she laughed, entering the main office.

Instantly, we both stopped in our tracks. I sent a glare to Haley, and then turned my attention back to the devil that was sitting in the chair.

"Well, well." He smirked.

"NO! Now way!" Haley denied.

"Funny, you sound like the last 3 girls I tried to sleep with!"

"Chris, what are you up to?" Haley scoffed.

"Yeah, there is no way in hell that I am working for you." I shook my head and crossed my arms.

"Baby James, lookin' fit!" He smiled, giving my shoulder a smack, "And Haley, still looking hot!"

"This is NOT happening! Don't get too comfortable!" Haley shouted.

"Oh, come on, you liked the guy in the emails!" Chris defended.

"Yeah, because the guy in the email wasn't you." I mocked.

"Okay, Chris Keller is gonna pretend that you didn't just hurt his feelings. But, he is also gonna say that the temp office already signed off on it and they're your boss so." He shrugged, letting another smile grow onto his face.

"Fine!" Haley gave in, "Temporary, this is ONLY temporary."

"Hales! You can't be serious!"

"Toby, I'm sorry, but we don't have a choice right now." Haley sighed, leaving the studio.

"Did I mention you look hot!" Chris yelled after her and his smile fell when he met my glare. "What"

"Keller, if I were you... I'd watch yourself." I warned, chasing after Haley.


"Tobin, Tobin wake up!" Brooke sighed.

"What? What's wrong?" I groaned.

"Nothing is wrong! The baby... it's quiet!"

We both made quick eye contact and bolted it out of the bedroom. I checked his room and Carter was NOT inside. I turned outside of the room and ran into Brooke but she quickly helped me up.

"Good morning!" A voice chirped.

"This can't be real... Quick, smack me!" I spoke, getting a quick smack from Brooke, "Okay ouch... but thanks. But, she's still here!"

"Mom, what are you doing?" Brooke sighed.

"Making breakfast, what does it look like?" Victoria smirked, playing with Carter's feet.

"Oh my god... I was supposed to meet dad for a breakfast meeting."

"A meeting? For what?" Victoria scoffed.

"For the baby clothes." Brooke answered, giving me a kiss before getting ready.


"He finally returns!" Alex teased, giving me a hug and joining me in the studio.

"Well it's good to see you in here again! What's up?"

"I'm in need of some advice? Musician to musician." Alex sighed, letting her smile fall.

"Alright, lay it on me." I smiled and plopped down.

"If you get offered a tour, and you would be gone for MONTHS at a time... would you take it?"

I sighed and shook my head, "I mean, it would be amazing to get to experience that side of this career... but I have a wife now, Alex. I have a son. My dream was fulfilled when my family was created. I'm just here to sell some albums and make some money doing what I enjoy."

"And that doesn't make you sad? At all."

"No. Not even a little."


I had Carter sitting up on my lap, showing him different chords. My smile grew just like his did when I strummed a note on the guitar.

"I love you, ya know that?" Brooke smiled and taking a place beside us.

I couldn't help but smile, "Well, that's good. I love you too, babe."

"You're doing such an amazing job. I can't wait to see him grow up and be like his dady." She smiled, placing a kiss onto my lips.

"Then he'll go through high school and love someone amazing like his mother."


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