Chapter 37

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I started my day with Brooke and Peyton at school. Today was yearbook day, which meant the seniors needed to get all of those signatures and what not.

"So... do you know what today is, P. Sawyer?" Brooke cheered.

"Well, I'm gonna guess... yearbook day!" Peyton teased.

Brooke rolled her eyes, "Okay yes. But! It also is the last Wednesday of high school... meaning we need to actually figure out what we're doing when we get out of this place."

"I kind of already did..." Peyton spoke quietly, letting a small grin grow on her face.

"What do you mean?"

"I applied for an internship for this record label... and I got it."

"Peyton, that's awesome! You have to take it." Brooke cheered.

Peyton sighed and shook her head, "It's in Los Angeles."

"Well, that's even more perfect. You can move in with me... It would be even more perfect if my boyfriend could go with!" Brooke said, turning to face me... which Peyton joined.

"What are your plans after this, anyway?" Peyton questioned.

I sighed and shrugged. To be honest, I had nothing planned. The whole military got shut down once my heart condition and medical issues came to light, and I hadn't gotten a phone call about any scholarships for basketball... so I was just playing it by ear I guess.


I was alone at my locker, taking out all of the crap that was inside. Honestly, I felt a bit of sadness creep over me. After this week, high school would be over... meaning some friends might lose contact, or move away, or something. It was bitter sweet, really. Haley joining me broke apart my thoughts.

"It's crazy, huh? Feels like yesterday we were just running around in our underwear." she laughed.

I breathed out a laugh, "Yeah, and now my genius sister went from being in poo filled diapers to being the valedictorian!" You could say I told basically EVERYONE.

"Maybe not... I'll just be another graduate." she sighed and looked at the ground.

"Hales... what you mean? There is no way anyone beat you out."

"You're right, and no one did. But, principal Turner says with all the stuff with Nathan and the point shaving then he doesn't think it is fitting." she frowned, "I'll see you at home, okay?" she finished, giving me a hug as she left.

That's when Brooke came rushing over, slamming my locker shut.

"Okay, you really need to stop doing that!" I laughed.

"Sorry!" she shrugged, "But your girlfriend is a genius!"

I raised an eyebrow as I leaned against the lockers, "You have my attention, Brooke Davis."

"Okay, so! What if you came to LA with Peyton and I!? I know it sounds crazy but there could be so many options for you! You could model because... well you're gorgeous! Or, I don't know, maybe Peyton could get her record label to look at you and then you could work with them! It's perfect!"

I smiled and shook my head. It was crazy, but at the same time it kind of made sense in my head. Sure, it was all on a limb and I didn't know what could happen... but it was better than my plan.

"Obviously, don't decide now but just think about it!" She said, placing a kiss on my cheek and walking away.


I sat at home, listening to Haley complain about being hungry and wanting to eat everything. That's when Nathan finally came in and joined us with a little smirk on his face.

"Sorry, Hales, but I don't think you'll have time for us all to eat out tonight." He smiled, handing her the program for the ceremony this weekend.

Somehow, someway... Nathan was able to convince Turner to give Haley her valedictorian speech back. Before I could say anything Haley stormed off to work on it.

"That's a great thing you did Nate... showing that just because you don't have much, but that she can be happy is amazing." I said, giving him a smile.

"Well, just because I don't have a plan anymore... Doesn't mean I don't want to be there for her dreams."

Then, it clicked. I didn't reply... I just rushed over to see Brooke. When she answered the door, I couldn't tell if she was happy or not.

"Here to ignore my offer some more?" She said, walking in and allowing me to follow.

"No... actually, I'm here to follow you." I said, getting her to turn and face me. "Anywhere you go, I want to be there too... We'll figure out my path when we get there. But right now? You are my path, Brooke. So, I'm following you."

She had tears in her eyes, but there was this special look in them too. She walked over and started kissing me, which slowly escalated. My heart was pounding as she pulled my shirt over my head, and then even more when I did the same to her. I lifted her up and we made it into her bedroom. She pulled me on top of her and in the moment I was so happy.

"I love you..." she whispered, making eye contact with me.

"I love you too, Brooke." I smiled, leaning back down to her and continued kissing. That night, Brooke and I had made love... and I knew from then on, it was going to be okay.






till next time!


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