Part 13

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It had been 4 weeks since we decided to have a baby and we chose to try the adoption route first. Today was our interview.

"We're financially stable and have high end work." Brooke said, handing a folder with our financial records inside of it.

"That's nice, Brooke, that you have finances and all that... What about you, Tobin? What do you do?"

I gulped, "Currently, I'm the manager of Tric while the owner is out of town. But, there's this album being recorded and I have been offered to be a part of it... So, that's what I will be doing." I said, seeing Brooke smirk.

"Correct me if I am wrong but, say this album gets noticed. That would require you to leave the home, correct? You would leave the child behind along with your fiance?"

"We would discuss that, as a family, if it would ever get to that point."


"Lets go back a bit... Brooke, tell me about your past?"

"I'm sorry, but what does the past have to do with this? Who we were in high school doesn't define what type of mother she would be." I snapped.

"Toby, stop, it's okay." Brooke said, placing a calming hand on my forearm. "My past would be better off in the past."

"Most people do, but in most cases something in their past stays with them."

"Which is true, we all have something with us! That's why we are so different now, because the past changes us and makes us better." I replied.

"It's just a question to try and see if the two of you are ready to be parents. It wasn't meant to offend you. Do you plan on getting married?"

"We're ready to be parents..." Brooke sighed.

"Yes, we will be getting married. A baby was just more important at the time for us." I replied calmly.

"It says here that your past involves a lot of boys... drugs, alcohol, and things like that."

"I never did drugs... the alcohol was just something everyone did." Brooke defended.

"And you recently housed a drug addict, Rachel Catina? How would you fit that with a child?"

"That was a friend who needed help... you don't just turn away because someone is in a rough spot." I answered.

"And the other roomate, Peyton, you said that she's a mess right now."

"She would move out, if it was a problem." Brooke replied.

That's when Brooke's phone rang, again.

"That's 17 calls, Brooke. How do you plan on raising a child when you just recently fired a CEO?"

"How would you know that?" Brooke questioned.

Then, it clicked. "You talked to her mother, didn't you?"


"This wasn't a good talk, was it?" Brooke sighed.

"Unfortunately, no, it wasn't. I won't be recommending that the two of you be parents." The interviewer said, heading for the door.

"You're making a mistake." I said, getting her attention, "She would make an amazing mother... not just because she can support it or because she said the right answers during an interview. She would be amazing because of the love she has to give to that child. Love that wouldn't fade or anything... something a child would need. She'd be able to make that child KNOW that they were special, and good enough for this world."

She didn't reply, she just gave a small smile and left us there. Brooke was getting sad, I could see it in her eyes. I pulled her into my arms, taking a glance at the clock.

"We have to go pick up Jamie." I said, leading her to the door.


We brought Jamie back to our place for a sleepover in order to give Nathan and Haley some time alone. Even Peyton was out and about doing who knows what. I found myself admiring how Brooke was with Jamie... they had been playing tag for a while now and the smiles on their faces only grew larger. Eventually, mine did too. That's when the doorbell rang to take my mind away from this.

"I got it." I said, heading to the door.

I didn't know who would be at the door during this time, so I didn't know who was on the other side. I opened the door and my eyes grew wide with shock.

"Hi son." Carter smiled.


No A/N

till next time!


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