Chapter 13

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A/N: So, this episode was one of the saddest ones, I think, in all of OTH...

So I am trying to be as detailed and into it as I can

Here we go...

Season 3 Episode 16


The school day had just started, and I was sitting with Haley in the Tutor Center. That's when our principal come over the speakers. "Code red, code red. This is not a drill. Get to a designated room and stay there."

I looked at Haley, scared, and we rushed to get people in here for safety. Jimmy, Rachel, Marcus, Skills, and another girl made their way inside before we shut and locked the door. I sat against the wall, wondering what could possibly push someone to do this. Rachel stopped my thoughts when she slid her trembling hand into mine.

"We just have to stay here and follow procedure. We all will be okay." Haley said, trying to convince herself.

"We could break the windows," Rachel suggested, "Make a run for it."

I shook my head, "Breaking the windows would just draw attention to where we are. Plus, it just opens into the courtyard."

"That psycho goes to our school," Marcus started, "He's gunna know where we are. As if a locked door isn't obvious enough."

"Why would you call him psycho?" Jimmy asked, looking scared as ever.

"I don't know, maybe because he came to school with a gun you fatass."

"Dude, layoff. We're all a little freaked. That doesn't give you a free card to be a jackass." I said, sending Jimmy a nod.


"No signal." Skills said, trying to mess with his phone.

I checked mine as well, in hopes to reach out to Brooke, Lucas, or Peyton to see if they were okay. However, mine was just like his.

That's when someone jiggled the door handle. Haley, Skills, and I rose from our spots on the ground. Then a card slid under the door, Nathan. Haley breathed a sigh of relief and goes to open the door.

"Woah," Marcus jumped,"No, you said it yourself we have to keep this locked.Every man for himself."

"It's Nathan, I am letting him in." She stated, leaning to the door. "Always."

Nathan replied back saying, "Forever."

She went to let him in, and Marcus stopped her again. So I grabbed him, and held him against the wall. "If she says it's him, then it's him." I said, then turning to Haley, "Open the door."

Nathan entered, with Mouth right behind him. "Alright, there's no one out there. So let's get out of here." Nathan said.

"No one is going anywhere." He said, and we turned to see Jimmy with a gun raised at all of us.

I stepped in front of Haley, not giving him the option of hurting her. "Close the door and step back!" He shouted.

We did as we were told and Rachel took a place next to me as well, clenching on.

"You scared, hero boy?" Jimmy said, talking to Nathan.

"Yeah, man, I'm scared."

Haley tried reasoning with him, only to make him more angry.

"What is that...what's in your pocket!?" He shouted, as she handed over her phone. "Oh, Haley... I used to like you." pointing the gun towards Haley.

Me, being the stubborn shit that I am, took a step forward to get it off Haley. "Hey, back up, what are you doing." Jimmy said, pointing the gun towards me. "Hand over all of your phones. NOW!"


Haley sat with Nathan, where Rachel and I joined, Mouth was with Skills, and the girl was on the floor and Marcus on a bookshelf. Jimmy stood at the head of the room, gun raised.

"Would you really shoot us, Jimmy?" Haley asked, "Because I don't think you would! You're a nice guy, and a good student." she said.

"Yeah, you could still get out of this man. Maybe it isn't as bad as you think." Nathan said.

I got up to walk around from the others, and just as I thought he would, Jimmy's attention was on me. "All of you shut up! None of you ever talk to me, including my good pal Mouth here."

"Don't make him feel guilty for living his life..." I said. "This isn't his fault."

"It's yours." Rachel said.

The phones kept ringing, so Jimmy went through every single one by answering them saying "Open your eyes", and then throwing them against the wall. While he does that, I make a jump for the gun. (I know, it was really fucking stupid). Jimmy was too quick, and now had his gun raised at me again. I didn't fight anymore, I backed away.


"We're all just kids..." The girl on the ground began, "We shouldn't be doing this!" she cried.

"700 days. That's how long high school is... out of 20-30 thousand. You couldn't look past that?" Rachel asked.

That's when the 1st period bell rang, "It's only been an hour? Seems longer than that."

"I should be in Current Events right now." Haley sighed.

"I think this counts." I said, looking at Jimmy, "Where are you supposed to be?"

"AP English. I stopped going though." He replied, then telling us how he was gone for weeks and when he finally did come back that no one noticed. He had to take anti-depressants, which he did, but then took too many and his mom said it was an accident. That's when Mouth started to cry. "No one noticed I was gone, and coming to school when no one talked to me... THAT was the best day for me." he finished.

The girl in the back wasn't looking so good, so Haley went to go check on her. "You're diabetic!? Where is your insulin?" Haley questioned.

"In my locker, across the courtyard." she replied.

"No, no way!" Jimmy said.

"She's sick, Jim. Just let her go." I said.

"Yeah, let her go man." Nate agreed.

"Alright, fine. But only her." He said, raising the gun to us again.

"I'm scared." The girl said, look at Jimmy. "Of the others."

"Does this look planned out to you? Just go."

With that, the girl was gone. Once Jimmy turned around, he saw Nathan on his phone. "Who is that! Who did you text."

"Hey," I said, stepping up again, "Take it easy, we are all scared Jim."

"Tobin, get back." Haley cried.

"It's okay, Hales. He won't hurt me." I said, trusting the old River Court friend not to hurt me.

"The next time there's a noise... Someone WILL get hurt." Jimmy threatened.

"You won't shoot anyone Jim. You're a good guy." I said, stepping closer, slowly.

That's when a door slammed in the hallway and he fired his gun, then headed to the hallway in panic. I felt a pain in my right side, and fell to the ground into Haley's arms. She just cradled me, and we waited out the rest of this horror fest.



I enjoyed writing this, because I really love the original episode so... yeah!

till next time!


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