Part One

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Just a reminder, the next few seasons will be referred to as "Parts" and not "Chapters".




4 years. That's how long it has been since our old group had been together in one spot. I wish I could tell you that Brooke and I were still going strong... But I can't. Her fashion designs had taken her all the way to New York where she now lived. Me? I was still in Tree Hill, watching over Tric while Karen and Lily roamed the world. Currently, I was with my birth mother. We had gotten in touch after graduation and I wasn't with her everyday all day like most people probably assume, I typically came out here every other week/weekend. 

To my surprise, we actually got along really well. I had learned her name was Olivia. Today was the day that I got to hear her story.

"I had just learned that your biological father had given you away... it was the day I was released from the hospital. I went to find you again, to bring you back home. But it was too late... plus, after seeing the family that took you I wouldn't have interfered."

"But... why? I was your son and they just took me away... didn't you at least want to hold me?" I said, brushing my fingers through my now shaved head.

"That family had a little girl already, and the smiles that they all shared looking at you two babies was truly amazing. They could give you so much more than I ever could have given you on my own. It was worth it... the man you are would not be here today."

"There's not much to be proud of..." I said, looking at the ground. "Everyone I grew up with? They've done something... Peyton works at a record label, Lucas published a book, Brooke is all the way in New York for her clothes!"

She shook her head, "You just need that spark back..."

"What spark?" I questioned.

A sly smirk grew on her face, "That inspiration you had when you spoke about Brooke."


I sat at Tric, going through some of the paperwork that needed to be filed at the end of the month. I took sips of a drink and was then joined by Lucas.

"Hey," I smiled, "What brings you here?"

"Just wanted to come check up on ya... how's the whole mom thing going?"

I nodded, "Not bad really... I'm just now getting some answers that I have been wanting for the past four years."

"Well, at least you're getting somewhere. Talk to Haley?"

"Every now and then," I sighed, taking another drink, "Not at the spot we used to be yet... Plus with everything that's going on with Nathan I don't really want to open old wounds and make her talk to me, ya know?"

"That's fair. What about Brooke?" He said, knowing that I missed her.

"When she first left we talked a lot, but, then she got busy and she became more popular and I just thought she should focus on her dream... Me being me I became distant even though she still tries." 

"Toby, you know she loves you. And you love her too... I know it, and you both do too. You'll find your way."

I smirked, "I hope so... Just like I hope you realize the same with Peyton."


I was at Haley and Nathan's doorstep, knocking on the door to see Jamie. Haley answered with a smile as always.

"Hey, come on in." She said.

I gave a half smiled, "Where's Jamie?"

"He's actually out with Skills right now."

I nodded and then an awkward silence overcame us. How did we grow so far apart? I mean, I know it started when the whole adoption scandal came out... but we both kind of got over it. By that, I mean we stopped talking about it.

"So, I see Brooke is doing amazing! She's on the cover of, like, every magazine! What about you? Are you doing okay with her so far away?" She asked in an attempt to get close again... I let her this time.

"I miss her everyday, Haley. But she can't move forward when I'm here... so..." I sighed, trailing off.

She stepped closer and placed a hand on my shoulder, "You two will be okay."

I smirked and gave her a nod. That's when Nathan came into the room.

"Hey, Nate." I said.

I just gave a quick nod and retreated into the living room. He had missed his dream by just a split second. A simple, avoidable moment that ended his basketball career. He definitely became his father... I will make damn sure that I don't do the same.


I joined Lucas at the River Court that night. We just wanted to shoot around like we used to and forget whatever was bothering us, or to find the motivation to try even harder. We arrived and looked up from our spots to see an old face before us.

"Peyton..." Lucas breathed.

"Hey," She smiled, walking closer, "I just got in... with Brooke." She said, glancing at me.

Brooke was back in Tree Hill.


A/N: How bout dat season premiere!!?

till next time!


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