Season 9, Ep 5&6

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"Babe, I have to run to the store. Haley is FREAKING over the other café... can you believe they hung up a murder sign!?" Brooke scoffed, pouring herself a glass of coffee.

I mentally replied, but my body and face stayed stern. I was so focused on Clay and Quinn that I was starting to wonder... what if the bad guys came here? What if they tried to harm my family more than they already are? My thought stopped when Brooke broke the trance.

"Hey." She sighed, "Clay is getting better and Quinn is helping him! Carter is safe, too, just like I am. Okay?" She placed a kiss on my forehead and headed out the door.


"Hey, guys, thanks for coming." Haley sighed, having Quinn and I follow her into the kitchen.

"What's going on, Hales?" I asked, stealing a cheerio from Lydia's stool.

"Nathan didn't make it home last night and he won't return my calls."

"Oh, come on, I'm sure he just took a different flight or lost his phone." Quinn pleaded.

"He knows my number... he could call."

"Hey, is dad home yet?" Jamie asked, breaking the conversation.

"Not yet, but he's on his way!" I smiled, nudging his head.

"So, you get to hang with me today! Let's go get Lydia." Quinn smiled again, 

"What about you, Hales? Want the baby bro to hang around?" 

"No, I think you should spend some time with the kids and Quinn... bring Carter over." Haley sighed and headed outside.


"Carter and Lydia's first sleepover! Plus a scary move! Awesome!" Jamie cheered, stuffing his face full of popcorn.

I laughed and shook my head at him, "Just don't tell your mom we're letting you watch this!"


"Speaking of your mom, we need to call her and tell her goodnight!"

Quinn and I exchanged smiles while Jamie pretended to yawn on the phone with his mom. Afterwards, Quinn went near the bathroom to talk to Haley privately... tell her that Clay didn't know anything either. I can't imagine how Haley feels. Yes, I was worried too, but this was her husband and the father of her children. If Brooke was ever missing or hurting like this, I would be crushed.

We all got comfy on the bed that night, snuggled like a family as the movie played. Eventually, the night consumed us and we let sleep takeover.


The morning news made my heart stop. Nathan was officially being reported as missing, which would now lead to an investigation. I just kept staring at the TV as Mouth continued to speak. I shook my head in disbelief.

"Babe, is everything okay?" Brooke asked, taking a hold of my arm.

"It's Nathan... he's officially missing... I need to go see Haley, can you watch Carter?"

"Yeah, of course." She sighed, rubbing my back.

I stopped before I went out the door, "I love you."

"I love you." She smiled.


I made my way to the front door, only to see Dan fighting with Haley... and Jamie.

"What did you do to my dad?" Jamie screamed.

"Jamie, it isn't like that..." Dan begged.

"Yes it is. You're a liar! Just bring him back!"

"I think you need to go..." I sighed, placing a hand onto Dan's shoulder.

I watched Dan leave and see Jamie sitting out by the pool. Quinn and I joined him, and he was watching a video of his dad.

"When I watch it, it's like he's here with me." He said, "What if this is the last time I hear his voice?"

"That's not gunna happen buddy." Quinn sighed, rubbing his back.

"We're gonna find him." I said sternly, clenching my jaw.


I walked into the café, and I was impressed with the turnout.

"Hey, handsome." Brooke smiled, leaning over the counter to give me a kiss.

"That's gonna get me distracted." I smirked, taking a glass of coffee.

"Distracted? From what?"

"I wanna help find Nathan." I stared, "But I think that the only way I can do that is if I help Dan."

"Tobin..." She sighed.

"I know, babe, I know... I just, I feel such a need to do this. Haley is a mess and it hurts so bad to see her this way and I just, I can't stop thinking about if it was you missing. Please, let me help. I promise I will be safe."

"I love you, so much. Go get him back." She smirked, rubbing my hands.

I nodded and left the café, headed to the one and only Dan Scott. I didn't even knock on the door, I went right in.

"You know, I'm paying extra for privacy." He scoffed.

"You know I don't care." I replied, getting an eye roll. "Look, I know you're searching for Nathan. So, whatever it is... I'm in on it too."

"What's in this for you?"

"I get one of my best friends back, I make my sister happy, and my family becomes whole again."

"Alright." He nodded.


We knocked on the door, and to be honest, I had NO idea what we were doing,

"So, what's the plan?" I whispered.

"There isn't one... We can just say that we got into a car accident."

I rolled my eyes and stepped up first when the door opened, "Hi, my name is Tobin James. I've been casted in a movie and this place looks amazing! Do you mind if we step inside and take some pictures for my director?"

We were allowed in, and I couldn't help but smirk back at Dan. We made our way into a room that had a man laying in a bed, hooked up to all kinds of machines.

"Is this the investor?" I asked.

"What's left of him." He sighed, turning to me, "He couldn't have done this. Let's go."

"So now what?" I asked from the passenger seat, "Where do we go from here?"

"I'm gonna get back to work." He stated, pulling besides Karen's café, "You're going to go kiss your wife, and hold your boy. This is a dangerous game, so think about it first. Going into this could put them at risk, or yourself. Plus, you need to cherish them. I wish I could."

I looked inside to see Brooke dancing and smiling with Carter, which caused me to smile. A gave Dan a quick nod as I went inside, getting a smile from Brooke. I placed my hands on her cheeks and pulled her lips to mine, then placed another kiss onto her forehead as I wrapped her into a hug.

"We're gonna be okay." I sighed.

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