Chapter 27

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A/N: okay so I know that for sure these next two chapters are going to be some of the longest!

Hope you enjoy them...



I had breakfast with Haley this morning, where I learned that she plans on following Nathan to Duke University.

"That's awesome, Hales!" I smiled, giving her a hug.

"What about you? What are you planning?" 

"I've actually been looking into the military, Hales. They have all these benefits and it just seems like a great thing." I replied, seeing the smile on her face fade.

"If that will make you happy... How does Brooke feel about it?"

I shrugged, "I wouldn't know... I miss her but, she doesn't."

That's when Nathan came in but he seemed a bit off and tense. I waited for Haley to leave before asking. "Nate, what's going on man?"

He sighed, "Don't hate me for this... But Donte and Bear aren't letting me walk away from this. I have to throw the championship game tomorrow night."

I clenched my jaw and took a deep breath before replying, "Nate, I couldn't possibly understand what you are dealing with and I get why... But don't expect me to be okay with this. All I ask is that you don't get Haley involved, Nathan. Do not..." I said, leaving the apartment.


At school, I ran into Rachel and she started the conversation. Apparently, Brooke had snuck off to see Lucas this morning and was most likely going to be his date tonight at the banquet.

"Guess that ruins my idea of asking her." I sighed.

She gave me a nudge and said, "You're stuck with me then, I guess."

I nodded and accepted, "Then I guess it's a date."

She smiled and walked away and I ran into Lucas. I instantly asked about Peyton.

"She can go home now. They caught psycho Derek! So, she's safe now." he smiled.


Before the banquet, Me, Haley and Lucas all sat at Karen's before we all had to get ready.

"So, I am presenting Nathan with the MVP award tonight." Lucas started.

"I heard! I think that will be a really good moment for the two of you. Hey, do you guys need a ride tonight?"

"Actually, I'm going with Brooke. Basically to see if there's anything there still." Luke said, sending me an apologetic look.

"I'm going with Rachel." I said, taking a drink of coffee.

"She asked me to tutor her! Can you believe that?" Haley scoffed.

"I don't know... I mean if people are willing to move on from their past self we should give them that chance, right mom?" Lucas said.

"Right..." Karen said, and then ran off.


At the banquet, our table was definitely going to be the most interesting. There was Nathan and Haley, Rachel and I, Lucas and Brooke, then Peyton and her brother.

"For those of you that don't know, this is my brother...Derek, the real one." Peyton introduced.

"Marines, huh? What made you go with them over the others?" I asked, showing interest.

"Just a place that saved me is all." He smirked, "So... Tree Hill gonna win tomorrow night?"

"I don't know. Nathan, we winning tomorrow?" Lucas glared.

"We're gonna try." Nathan sighed.

Feeling the tension, Peyton and Derek excused themselves. I heard Lucas and Brooke exchange turns talking.

"What's the point? Tonight is about us, right?" Brooke smiled as Lucas placed his hand on her back. Rachel took my hand under the table and gave it a quick squeezed.

Lucas then took his place in front of us, giving a speech about leadership by our MVP on and off the court. "Nathan Scott."

Nate returned by giving a quick speech himself and coming back to table. There was a short break after that for people to use the bathroom or get drinks, which is what I did.

"Hey buddy," Brooke smirked, "Haven't heard much from you."

I nodded, "Yeah. You've been pretty busy getting extra help from teachers." I replied, heading back to my seat.

I hated this... being harsh or a jackass. But I was hurt, and I will never apologize for how I feel. If we win tomorrow? I would tell her, again, how I feel.

We were all back in our seats, hearing the principal announce the lifetime achievement award and giving it to Coach Durham. He then went on with this long speech about first loves and how we were a great group of guys. I couldn't help myself but I caught myself looking at Brooke every time he had described his life with Camilla. Once, I caught her returning that look as well.


A/N: xD

I am SO SO SO excited for the next chapter!(:

till next time!


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