Chapter Eight

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A/N: AAAAAANNNNNDDDD im back again lmao xD

Im just gunna get right to the chapter!!!(:

Season 3 Episode 9&10


The next morning I received a phone call from Lucas. Apparently, Haley, Brooke, and Peyton had all gotten arrested for theft... and I'm pretty sure it was from my idea of taking what was theirs! Oops!

So, now, Lucas and I are rummaging through Brooke and Haley's apartment to find money.

"Haley said Brooke has a drawer under her bed with cash in it!" Luke yelled from the living room.

I knelt down, opening the hidden drawer when a box with numerous envelopes fell out. I took a closer look and noticed all of the letters were addressed to Lucas, yet never mailed. Then, one letter in particular caught my eye. One that was addressed to me. I put all the envelopes back, found the money, and headed out with Lucas.

We paid their fine and got them out with no problem, however, when the girls came out Brooke was not with them.

"I paid for her. I just told them to wait 10 minutes before letting her go." Luke admitted.


Around lunch time, I received yet another call from Brooke asking me to come over. I knew she was hurting so I obviously went to help. Once there, I walked right in and she was pouting on the couch. She tells me how she went to go see Lucas, how mean and cruel he was, she was so lost...

"Maybe try giving him the letters that are under your bed..."I said, not looking at her.

"Haley told you too!"

"No, I found them this morning when I grabbed the money to get you out of jail." I replied, still avoiding eye contact.

"Fair enough... are you made at me too? You haven't looked at me since you've been here." She said, using her wounded voice.

"I didn't only find letters to Lucas... There was one in there for me too, Brooke." I admitted, finally looking at her.

She pursed her lips, then got up and went into her room. When she returned, she handed me the letter. "It's yours. Just maybe don't read it when I'm around?" She asked, looking embarrassed.

That's when Haley joined, and I definitely did not want to interrupt any girl time so I headed to Peyton's. When I got there, she was crying and by the looks of it she had been for awhile.

"I pushed her away... I pushed Ellie away. Now I can't find the bracelet and I just don't know what to do." She said, finally engulfing me into a hug. "Just, tell me something else. Take my mind off of it. Some drama or gossip, just anything." She pleaded.

"Okay, okay, I will." I said, making her sit on the bed. I thought for a moment and pulled out the letter. "Brooke gave this to me. She wrote it over the summer." I said.

She sniffled and wiped away some tears, "Well did you read it?"

"No," I began, "Not sure I want to yet. You and I are doing pretty good in the whole drama department. I don't wanna ruin that." I said, causing her to smile.

"Will you stay with me?" She asked, placing her head on my shoulder.

"Always." I said.


The next morning, Peyton shoved me out rather fast. So, Mouth and I headed over to Brooke's because her clothing site was getting more orders than she could handle.

"47 orders! Brooke this is incredible!" Haley chimed.

"I don't have 47 dresses!"

"Well, how many do you have?" I asked.

"4." she replied with a sigh.

Within an hour, Brooke had summoned the whole cheerleading squad and they all were put to work the moment they walked in. Brooke's phone rang, which led to her pouting on the couch. Obviously, I joined to check in. Apparently Lucas and Peyton were going to find Ellie. Then it hit me. That's why I was forced out this morning, but why? Why couldn't I be the guy she goes to for those types of things? I went to her... Then, another thing hit me. Lucas will always be that guy for her, always. Brooke must have read my mind because she squeezed my hand and gave me an apologetic look.

As the day went on, Brooke became more tense and I became spacey.

"Not dreaming about me are ya?" Rachel said, wrapping her arms around my shoulder.

"Sorry to disappoint."I said, monotone. Then Brooke and Haley argued.

"It's great that you're doing something with your talent to achieve a dream, but take it from me. Don't change for a dream." Haley said.

Something clicked inside Brooke's mind, because she sent everyone home after apologizing. I chose to stay, in hopes to clean up.

"It won't happen again, will it?" Brooke asked, "Lucas and Peyton."

I sighed, looking at her, "I don't know Brooke. I was with Peyton this morning... she didn't even ask me, or tell me. She pushed me out. I'm not gunna be that guy... I can't be." I replied.


That night, there was a small get together at the River Court. All the gang was here, just as I put up a shot I saw Lucas and Brooke out of the corner of my eye. I gave him a "bro hug" and my smiled faded when I made eye contact with Brooke. Needless to say, I left that night.


A/N: gettin heated up, dont ya think!? xD

Haha! anyway, I gotta wake up hella early so its bedtime for me!!

till next time!


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