Season 8, Ep. 3&4

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Hello my beautiful readers!!! I have missed you(:



"Babe, you need to eat... okay?" Brooke sighed, noticing my plate was still full.

"I know, I just... I don't have the appetite." I replied, looking over the food. "I told Quinn that I would find a way to help Clay..."

"And maybe you will, AFTER you eat something." Brooke pleaded, "Come on, let's take it to go. We have to go meet Haley."


"Hey guys." Haley sighed, trying to put on a smile. "Brooke, can I talk to you?"

There was an awkward silence filled with glances, and then I finally got the hing that I needed to take Jamie.

"J-Luke, I saw some of the workers restocking the desserts, you coming? My treat... literally!" I smiled.

"Sweet!" Jamie cheered, "Momma, can I go?"

"Do your worst." Haley winked, and I gave her a quick hug before heading off.


After we had stuffed our faces, we found ourselves in the one and only baby department. At first, I was filled with so much joy and love. The babies would smile every now and then, their noses would scrunch up, and you could faintly hear little grunts come out of them. Then, suddenly, that joy I felt faded in realization that Brooke and I will have to go through hell to have one... if that would even work.

"My mom is having another baby." Jamie spoke, breaking my thoughts. "Do you know anything about that?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like, do you know where babies come from?"

My mouth dropped. "Uhm, storks?"

"Weak." He shook his head and sighed.

I breathed out a laugh just as Brooke came and joined us. "Hey."

"Aunt Brooke, where do babies come from?" Jamie questioned.

Brooke and I exchanged a look. "Not me..."

I gave a slight smirk and wrapped an arm over her shoulder as I placed a kiss on her head.


Later in the night, we were tucking Jamie into bed since Haley and Nathan were tied up at the hospital.

"You guys are gonna make great parents some day." Jamie smiled, and rolled over in bed.

I swallowed hard and turned to see Brooke with a pained expression on her face. I sighed and took her into my arms like I always do, squeezing her tightly. We made our way into the bedroom and began to get ready for bed, in silence, until she spoke up.

"You were good with Jamie today." She smiled, "I love seeing you two together."

I exhaled and looked up at her, "Makes you kind sad though, huh?" she nodded and I did as well, "Yeah, me too..."

"I love you, though." Brooke smiled.

"And I love you, Brooke Davis."

She smiled even wider and joined me on the bed as she kissed me passionately. We spent the rest of the night just laying there, our bodies intertwined.


I was sitting outside the prison, waiting for Brooke to come out of the prison. When I finally spotted her a smile grew onto my face and she apparently noticed.

"What are you, the stalkarazi?" She teased.

"No!" I laughed, "But, according to this article, I'm on the 'New hot actors to watch' list."

"You aren't even that hot!" Brooke teased, giving me a wink.

"Take a ride with me, Brooke Davis." I smirked.


"Tobin James, where on earth did you take me?" Brooke begged for an answer.

"I was thinking this is where you can become 'Mrs. James' again." I smiled, getting her to smile even more.

Her smile faded for just a moment, "But, is this okay? Like... this isn't being selfish with everything going on?"

"No." I replied instantly, "Because when we look back at this time, we won't remember all of the sadness and darkness... we'll remember our wedding day. Quinn and Clay would want this for us."

She shook her head with the biggest smile on her face as she wrapped her arms around my neck, "How did I get you."

I shrugged as a form of teasing, and then gently placed a kiss onto her lips.


I joined Nathan at the bar, just using one another to get out our emotions.

"Well, Jamie is amazing at baseball." I stated.

"Baseball?" Nathan questioned.

"Oh yeah! But, of course, he said he's gonna play basketball like his old man."

"You mean like his old man used to."

"Wait, what do you mean?" I asked, shocked.

"My back is done..." Nathan said, finishing off his beer. "And I didn't even know my own son liked baseball. So, now, I'm gonna go home and tell my wife."

"Woah... Nate, I'm sorry. If you ever need something, you know where to find us."

"Thanks." Nate smirked, giving me a pat onto my shoulder and headed off.


I made my way into the house, only to see Brooke at the table... sad.

"I'm gonna lose the company." Brooke sighed, breaking the silence.

"Wait, I thought Victoria fixed it?"

"Yeah, she did. By screwing over our investors..." Brooke scoffed, "How do I walk into my store or office knowing that I ruined peoples lives by keeping my company?"

"There has to be some way..." I pleaded, looking through some papers.

"There's nothing... I've gone over everything." She sighed, beginning to cry.

"Hey, come here." I sighed, taking her into my arms, "Whatever you decide to do, and however you want to do it... do it, okay? I will support you and we will figure everything out. Okay? I'm here and I love you."

She just nodded and held onto me tighter.


No A/N

till next time!


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