Season 8 Ep 19

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I spent my morning with Nathan and Clay, as they had something that I needed to see. We walked into a dark garage to see a wrecked car. But, it wasn't just any car. I felt my blood begin to boil the longer I looked at it.

"Is that the car from the bridge that night?" Nathan asked.

I clenched my jaw and nodded, "Yeah, that's the one. How does this guy get away with something like this?"

"There's an empty bottle under the front seat." Clay started, "Bourbon."

I scoffed and shook my head. "So, this guy is a teacher and can just get away with this? Great!" I shouted, kicking the front of the bumper.

"We're going to handle this... I am, today during class." Nathan said, placing a hand on my shoulder, "Go be with Brooke. She needs you right now."

"Yeah. We'll handle this, Toby. We're sorry, about this and the adoption. How's Brooke doing?" Clay sighed.

"She's trying but, how do you think she is?" I scoffed, "She's devastated."

"Well, for what it's worth, she DIDN'T die that night... and you guys are together. Try focusing on what you have, not what you ALMOST lost." Clay smirked, trying to help the situation.

"He won't get away with this." Nathan promised.


I returned home to see Brooke sorting the babies things, attempting to put it all away. She was hurting, and it was clear. I could see the red ring in her eyes from the tears.

"C'mon, babe, we don't have to do this now. Okay? I'll paint over the wall and I'll get all of this put away." I sighed, rubbing her arms.

"It's okay, I got it." She said, faking a smile, and continuing to put things away.

I sighed again, wrapping my arms around her to stop her from doing anything more. We didn't speak, we just held one another. I placed a gentle kiss onto her forehead and I could feel her lean into it. She pushed away to look up at me, trying to smile yet again.

"I love you, and we're both here. We'll get a baby." I said, kissing her cheek and wrapping her into a hug, "I'll do whatever it takes."

We made our way into the other room, preparing to paint over the wall. I had just laid down the rug when her phone started to ring.

"You gonna get that?" I asked, sending her a small smile.

"Depends, who is it?" She teased.

I shook my head with a smile and it faded when I saw the name, "Uhm. Clothes Over Bros."


I returned home after visiting the bridge to see Brooke sitting there with a bottle of alcohol.

"Drinking tonight?" I sighed.

"Thinking about it."

"Well, I like my idea better." I smiled, unloading the bag of ice cream onto the counter, "I got all of them, because I figured if we didn't feel any better tonight then we can have the left overs tomorrow, and the next day."

A smile grew on her face as she looked up into my eyes. "I am so in love with you. I couldn't handle all of this without you."

I returned her smile and gave her a kiss, "I think we should go to New York."

"Really? You would be okay with that?"

"Getting out of Tree Hill?" I shrugged, "I think it would be great for both of us. What about you?"

"I think you're right." She smiled, wrapping her arms around my neck.


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