Why yao's the way he is

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*America woke up to China crying in the middle of the night, they recently just back together after a harsh break up and well.. America knew what what was on his mind that upset yao so much*

Why do you think China acts so crazy possessive and affectionate? Its because he doesn't want to lose the one who holds his heart.. Ever again.


America: please? Can't we show off being a couple just a bit longer? I ask for nothing much, just an hour or two more! We barely ever do things like this..

China: *irritated* this has already been explained, Alfred. If we show off being a couple more and more, the others will get suspicious.. And then they'll find out. I don't want that! How many times must I tell you this?! Now.. France has just arrived. He and I must discuss actual matters of importance. So if you DON'T mind, dear..

America: *holding back tears* fine..

*that was the night China broke America's heart and his trust, when he slept with France. That's the night when america gave up on love, until of course he finally built his heart up enough to forgive.. But to never forgive*

Memory end

America: *walks over to China and holds him close* oh yao.. Its been so long since that incident, I have already forgiven you.. So please...

Forgive Yourself.... *gently kisses his forehead*

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