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(question 1) Weapons? ~me

Yao: a ladle and a wok make perfect weapons

Alfred: hand to hand combat! A gun comes in handy to

Xiao: I'm a big fan of han dynasty swords, a nice traditional Dao maybe... And poisons, definitely poisons!

Allen: my trusty bat of course! The nails sticking out of it make it a pretty powerful thing

Chun yan: hmm let's see... Anything I can get my hands on of Course! Although some nice ass kicking Shaolin Martial arts works fairly well.

Amelia: hand to hand combat baby~

Zhu: Cleaver, a nice big.. Sharp.. Meat cleaver..

Xiao: Zhu, your lame ass scoldings could be used as weapons to!

Zhu: shut up!

Ashlyn: a bat works... A nice, long, metal, bat.

(Question 2) Yao, do you have a penis? ~FrikiPanda

Yao: what kind of question is that?! Of course I do! Ask Alfred.

(Question 3) Xiao, is your penis big? ~FrikiPanda


Allen: you sure about that babe?

Xiao: -____-

(Question 4) Allen, do you like being with xiao? ~FrikiPanda

Allen: duh, if I didn't I wouldn't be with the asshole

Xiao: aw! he loves me~ *slow moe runs to Allen* embrace me!

(Question 5) Zhu, does your name mean pig? ~FrikiPanda (this one was a difficult one, i looked researched it a bit XD see.. Depending on how you say it, or which language it varies.. It means "to live" as in to reside, to lodge, to stay! Get my point? Although it could also mean Vermillion~ named after the ancient state of Zhu! Which makes that the 13th most common surname in the China. Its pretty much up to you to figure out what you think her name is because now I'm just confused XD although I am trying to learn Chinese! Its a very difficult language..)

Zhu: who are you calling a pig? Disrespectful child! Why is panda asking question anyway?! Go home! You eat to much bamboo!

(Question 6) confession? ~me

Chun: *looks at Amelia* I've always been jealous of your tits

Amelia: that's nice. I guess a confession would be.. Well.. One time me and chun were sleeping and I almost crushed her.

Chun: she rolled over and *sigh* heaven.

Amelia: but you couldn't breathe?

Chun: it would have been a nice way to go

Zhu: Xiao hurt me once.. I wish not to speak of it.. *looks away*

Ashlyn: aw... *hugs Zhu*

Zhu: much boobage!

Ashlyn: Heh once I beat up a guy on the baseball field near my house because he made me drop my fries..

Zhu: ...priorities

Xiao: this may be hard to believe but.. I'm addicted to drugs.

Allen: we all know that idiot! Hey is that pot? Didn't I tell you if I caught you with drugs... You better pass some over because LORD knows I need it.

Yao: *gross sobbing* once I.. I got addicted to online games and had to be put into a rehabilitation center

Alfred: I'm friends with a whale and an alien what more of a confession do you want?

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