Prank Calls

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*Zhu awakened to a phone call around 4:00 Am*

Zhu: aiyaaa why you wake me up? Tis bettah be good!

Xiao:  is your refrigerator run–HEY SHE HUNG UP ON ME!?

*next call*

Chun: what do you want xiao?

Xiao: *holding back giggles* what's worse then Zhu's attitude?

Chun: you're sense of humor

Xiao: .....fuck you.

*next call*

Yao: *answers* I will murder your entire fucking family

Xiao: *hangs up* some people man..

*the next day when the clock struck a certain time, xiao made a call*

Allen: its four in the fucking morning! What so you want?!

Xiao: *inhales* I'm defying gravity with my dick.

Allen: I want a divorce

((Hey broski's if you'd like.. You can ask questions in the comments! And these idiots will answer in the next chapter~ though of course if nobody asks anything I'll look like a complete loser randomly finding questions XD)

Amechu CrackWhere stories live. Discover now