Your Late!

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Allen: Xiao, I've been looking all over for you! your late for our anniversary dinner!

Xiao: oh shit! This is the worst species of men to run into.. The "pissed-off-all-the-timeus" other wise known as.. My husband.

Allen: I heard that asshole! Why are you late?! You better have a damn good explanation!

Xiao: I..I have a good reason to be late! *hide opium stick* uh.. Er.. I was.. Uh.. I..I was planning a special anniversary trip for us of course! *nervous sweat*

Allen: aw really? You sweet little shit!

Xiao: oh I know! ha.. ha... *hugs Allen back, relieved*

Chun: it was at this very moment we witness the "giant-whipped-pussy-a-sarous" submit to the now calm American beast. Join us next time when Xiao grows some damn balls

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