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"so, what grade are you in?" asked the blue haired girl, as they started walking down the side walk.

"um, im in junior year." josh says.

"really? so am I. so..I guess you'll be joining our school next monday, then?" ashley says.

josh figured there was only one high school in this small town.

"yeah." josh tried not to look at her directly in the face, he always found it very uncomfortable looking people in the eye, even his family.

"d'you know what's up with the that forest? I went in there this morning and I heard a scream."

"you what?" ashley sounded so shocked. "look, josh." ashley stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, turning to look at josh directly in the face-which made josh feel awkward.

"don't go in that forest. it's haunted."

"oh." josh chuckled a bit. "you believe in all that spooky stuff?"

"it's not funny." the blue haired girl snapped. "they've found more than ten murdered bodies in there in the last twenty years-don't go in there."

"okay, okay." josh raised his eyebrows, putting his hands up in mock surrender. "I won't go in there."

before josh realised, they were standing outside his new house.

"thanks," josh says.

"no problem," ashley grins. "seeya monday." she tells me, and walks off.

I look at my window when I'm back in my house, watching ashley until I see her turn off my road.

im just about to turn away from the window when I see a hooded figure come out of the forest, looking around cautiously, as if to check if anyone's looking at him.

all I can see from his face is pale skin.

he's still looking around and then spots me in the window, directly looking at me-he looks the same age as me.

he looks at me for a few moments, looking unsure, and the looks away-as if he's embarrassed.

I wonder why he was in the forest, was he the one who screamed earlier?

sorry I didn't update for a few days, but I'm back =)

the quiet ⭑ joshler Where stories live. Discover now