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when josh woke up, it felt like every inch of his body was aching. he didn't have enough strength to open his eyes, but he could feel someone staring at him, so his lids raised a little.

he could see a white ceiling, and a pale face looking down at him, a bruise on his cheek and a couple of scars.

"tyler, what happened?" josh asked wearily. he'd obviously got the worst of whatever had happened to tyler.

"we were walking back from the cinema, because we'd missed the bus. and a group of teenagers started hitting us." tyler shivered.

it took josh a moment to remember it, and then squeezed his eyes shut. "oh, yeah."

"josh?" he could hear his mother's voice.

josh grunted in recognition.

"are you alright, honey? you were so badly bruised, if it wasn't for tyler had of calling me i would've been so scared wandering where you were."

it was the nicest josh's mom had been in a while, then again, it might have just been like that because tyler and a nurse was watching over them.

"they said you'll need a day's rest, but you don't need to stay at the hospital."

then she left, thankfully, making an excuse she was going to get them a drink or something.

tyler sat on the plastic chair next to the hospital bed and held josh's hand. "i'm so useless." the pale boy said, and suddenly broke down in to tears.

"baby, what is it?" josh couldn't see tyler properly because his neck was lying down so he was still facing the ceiling.

"i didn't do anything. i watched you get beat up and i didn't do anything to help. i'm so useless." tyler cried.

"no, you're not useless, ty. you were just scared, okay? it was my fault for not calling my mom up to drive us home in the first place. i was just so mad at her."

tyler continued to cry on to josh's sleeve until his mom came back with some awful hospital food.

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