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tyler tells josh everything. how a part of him, inside his mind, was taking over him, telling him he wasn't good enough, and never would be. how he didn't deserve to live in this world and he was worthless. how it had become so dominating that tyler felt like it was real, forming slowly in to a person, another side of tyler, a brother. always telling him what to do, bullying him for what he is and what he isn't.

how no one loved him, no one cared about him, how he was so lonely and boring and stupid. tyler had had enough. he didn't want to live like this anymore. he'd thought about taking his own life so many times, but then finally decided to take his brothers life instead.

it was supposed to be better after that. he was supposed to be better after, but instead, he had the constant guilt lingering over him that he had murdered someone else for his life to be worth it.

and even though, every week when he saw his therapist, jenna, she would tell him the same thing: your brother isn't real, he still couldn't help thinking about it.

before josh, jenna was the only person tyler would talk to about his feelings. but then he realised he'd said too much, and she knew too much, and he had to leave.

he ran away for a couple of weeks, and came back with no money, food, anything.

his mother wasn't surprised, and tried to make him see jenna again, but tyler would always leave the house whenever the name 'jenna' was even mentioned.

so he stayed quiet. never spoke to anyone, apart from himself, when he was in the forest, alone.

the forest was the only place tyler felt comfortable speaking, until he met josh.

"you know, i think i met your brother." josh says, once tyler had finished speaking.

tyler looked up, stunned. "you did?"

josh was the only one who took tyler's brother seriously.

"a couple of weeks ago, i went to ashley's house, and we all played the oujia board. we met 'imaginary friend'."

"what did he say?" tyler whispered.

"not much, before we all started to get creeped out." josh shrugged.

"did you say goodbye?" tyler asks.

josh nods his head.

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