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i don't really know where this book is going lmao


of course, josh's parents weren't pleased when they found out josh wasn't in his room. luckily enough, they didn't call the police, and just sighed at josh when he walked back in to the house, deciding there was clearly no helping this boy now.

josh, however, couldn't wait till tomorrow, he was taking tyler out for their first proper "date", taking him by bus to the nearest city. they were going to watch a horror film.

the next day, tyler and josh walked in to school holding hands, letting everyone know that they were together. they were both beaming. it was the happiest feeling either of them had felt in a long time. they were loved.

billie smiled at josh when they walked past, and ashley raised her eyebrows, winking, making the two boys blush.

tyler didn't have to worry about his brother now, even though he was still in his head.

josh tried his best to keep tyler preoccupied with other things.

after school, they got on to the bus. it was a twenty minute drive to the city.

they didn't stop holding hands.

"i love you so much, josh." tyler said, his grip tightening.

josh smiled. "i love you too."

josh took his ipod out of his pocket, handing tyler one ear plug, and planting the other in his own ear.

when they got to the cinema, josh bought the tickets and some popcorn, popping one in to tyler's mouth for him.

the film was pretty scary, and tyler jumped a few times, he wasn't a big fan of horror films, or any films particularly, apart from shrek.

josh found it cute when tyler kept jumping, and wrapped his arm round tyler's shoulder, and tyler felt safe.

it was dark when they got out of the cinema, and the film had been longer than josh had expected, so they'd missed the bus.

"the next bus is in two hours." tyler says, biting his lip.

"it'll be fine." josh says. "we'll just walk."

the quickest way back was through the forest, so they started making their way through the dark trees.

it wasn't too long before they started to hear shouting coming from not that far away.

a group of older teenagers, they sounded drunk, and josh could just make out a bright light which he assumed was a fire.

tyler could make out the smell of drugs, and shivered, it gave him memories of his father. which he didn't want to remember.

the pale boy tugged at josh's sleeve. "can we go back? they'll see us."

"no, they won't. it's okay, ty." he takes tyler's hand.

they carried on walking through the fallen leaves, walking around the fire hoping that they wouldn't see them.

they were nearly out of sight when tyler sneezed. "shit, i'm sorry."

but it was too late. they'd already heard it.

"oi, who's there?" josh and tyler could see three tall figures walking towards them.

it was too dark to see their faces properly, but tyler could still see their scary bloodshot eyes and gaunt expression.

tyler was still gripping on to josh's hand, they were both sweaty.

"look, it's some gay boys." said one of them.

"ew, i bet they were trying to make out in the bushes, the pair of fags."

josh felt spit on his cheek from one of the figure's mouth.

"leave us alone." josh tried to sound confident, but instead he sounded scared.

tyler was too anxious to say anything.

"aw, how cute, he's trying to defend his boyfriend." one of them said sarcastically.

josh clenched his fists, beginning to become hot.

"leave us alone." josh repeated. "fuck off."

"what did you just say to my girlfriend?" josh could see the taller figure straightening up, and immediately regretted what he'd said. "you're gonna pay for that, you faggot!"

all josh remembered was his nose and chest being punched several times and tyler screaming for them to stop.

and then blackness.

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