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i don't even feel christmassy and its in three days help


im having a lil house gathering thing at mine today, wanna come? we're gonna watch some horror movies

josh got a text from ashley on saturday morning, he didn't really feel like socialising, and was tired after the happenings of last night, but he had began to like ashley and her friends a lot during the last week-so he decided to go.

sure, what time should I come?

josh texted, quickly earning a reply from the blue haired girl:

bout 5ish? see you there :)

so, josh started making his way to ashleys at around quarter to five—josh was still creeped out about how quiet this town was. in the city, he had never even heard silence.

when he arrived at ashley's house, ryan and brendon were already slouched on ashley's couch, two cans of coke sat on the table, and their arms rapped around each other—josh wondered if they ever stopped touching each other.

ashley and josh sat on the bean bags and when billie eventually turned up(yet again blaming it on her chinchilla) they'd already started watching the purge.

josh found horror movies quite boring, even though he did jump a few times.

once the film had ended, ryan started flicking through netflix for another horror movie they could watch.

"what about the ouija board?" he tried.

"those films are shit." brendon said, grabbing the remote of ryan to look through himself.

"hey!" ryan yelled, grabbing for the remote.

they ended up having a mini war over the remote, which was actually quite cute-josh thought.

ashley ended up chucking a pillow at them. "stop!" she yelled. "why don't we do our own ouija board?"

"what? you have one?" josh asked.

"yep," ashley said. "it's in the attic. my dad bought it but my mom put it away because she was always getting freaked out by it."

"im not playing it! if you even try it im leaving, those things creep me out." billie protested.

"aw, cmon bill." brendon sighed. "it's probably not even gonna work. they're all a scam anyway."

so, twenty minutes later, they were all sitting cross-legged on the floor in a circle around the ouija board, they're hands over the pointer.

"and remember -

[dont cry, craft]
^ fgs w h y

don't leave the board without saying goodbye." ashley said sternly.

"right, is anyone there?" ashley said slowly.

the pointer suddenly moved quickly to yes.

it scared josh a little, even though he knew it was just brendon messing around.

the quiet ⭑ joshler Where stories live. Discover now