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josh had figured out that tyler lived somewhere down the left side of his road, because he had seen him head off in that direction several times.

he hadn't really been down that part of the town yet, but when he had, it was a even more quiet isolated part of it.

josh was trying to walk swiftly, he didn't want his mom to chase after him again.

he had to find tyler.

all the houses looked the same. he began to become so desperate he was considering knocking on random houses.

his desperation got the better of him, becoming anxious, he didn't particularly like talking to strangers. but it was for tyler.

"hello?" a girl a bit younger than josh opened the door, with orange hair and big wide eyes. josh recognised her from school.

"um, do you know anyone called tyler living around here?" he asks nervously.

she looked at him strangely for a moment, and then smiled kindly. "yes, he lives two houses down."

josh nodded, giving her a small smile in return. "ok, thanks."

he almost ran to tyler's house, knocking the door frantically.

josh frowned as a pale women opened the door, even though this was obviously tyler's mom. she had the same curious eyes as tyler, though she looked so worn out and tired.

"yeah?" she sighed.

"ur, is tyler in?"

she stared at josh for at least ten seconds, which seemed like a long time to him as he waited for a reply.

"no," she looks like she's choosing her words carefully. "he hasn't come back in a couple of days. do you want to come in?"

josh didn't really like the idea but if it helped him find out what really happened to tyler he'd take his chances.

he followed her through a white hallway and in to a kitchen, nodding for him to sit at a table.

it was very strange.

none of the walls were remotely decorated. no family pictures, art, anything.

"do you want a drink, love?" she asked.

josh shook his head, even though the idea of a glass of water to him would've been great right now.

the women sat down at the opposite end of the table, looking at the red haired boy carefully.

he tried to avoid her gaze, staring outside the window looking in to the bare garden.

"im kelly, by the way, tyler's mom."

"josh." josh shrugged.

"so..are you and tyler friends?"

"you could say so."

"right." she nodded, taking a sip of tea. "where did you meet? i don't think ive seen you before."

"oh, i only just moved here this month. i met tyler at school."

there was an awkward pause.

"look, can i ask you something?" josh finally says something directly.

the women looks a little shocked, but nods.

"what happened..between-between tyler and his brother?" josh stutters a left.

the silence is even longer, and josh regrets asking.

finally, the women turns to face josh eye to eye. "tyler's never had a brother."

a chill runs up josh's back.

"sorry, i have to go-"

"but you only just arrived." the worn out women argues, but josh has already left.

the quiet ⭑ joshler Where stories live. Discover now