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josh was walking back from school, when he remembered the note tyler had given him.

he pulled it out of his bag and read it again.

he couldn't understand.

what did he mean—don't be afraid of the forest?

josh was just walking in to his road when he looked at the forest again.

he knew it was a bad idea, but something was making him want to go in the forest again.

don't go in. a voice was telling him in his head. remember what happened last time? besides, you don't even know tyler well. he could be anyone.

but something made him walk in, and he didn't know what it was.

don't be afraid.

a wave of silence hit him as he trudged slowly in to the forest—all he could hear was his own breathing, his footsteps and the fast battering of his pulse.

the trees were darker than he'd remembered it, so he was glad when he found a clearing with fewer trees there to make it dark.

josh felt a tap on his shoulder and he jumped, not expecting it as he turned round to see tyler—looking paler than ever, but looking more comfortable where there wasn't so many people there to look at him.

sorry if I scared you, tyler signed.

its fine, josh smiles, taking a moment to look at how beautiful tyler is-even though he was trying to look directly at him to make it ten times more awkward.

tyler looked down at his feet.

i didn't expect you to come. tyler signed.

neither did I, and they both smiled at each other.

josh had never seen tyler smile before, and he thought it was the prettiest thing he had ever seen.

why don't you speak?

tyler looks at josh for a moment, and then shrugs. it's hard for me to explain.

try me, josh grins.


thanks for 100 reads even though this is so shit lmao

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