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"josh, it's just too much. i know tyler's been living with us for a couple of months now, but plus the chinchilla, i don't think it's fair on either of us. tyler's been sleeping on a mattress on the floor for too long." josh's mom started.

that's what you think, josh thought.

she continued; "it's not really like this house is big enough for four people anyway. so, me and your father have made a decision."

josh internally prayed they were not kicking tyler out.

"we're going to rent you an apartment, in the city, for you and tyler to live in."

josh squealed in delight. "oh my god, mom! thankyou!"

"you can still go to the school here, but you'll have to take the bus. this is a big responsibility for you two to live on your own, but we're going to trust you, josh, okay?"

josh and tyler nodded frantically.

it didn't seem possible, they were both so happy. they were finally going to have their own apartment to themselves.

a couple of weeks later they go and check out some of the possible apartments they could be moving in to.

they chose the one where the balcony was overlooking the city, and the kitchen had lots of space to have a whole climbing frame for ruby.

josh was still trying to get over the fact that he was going to be living in his own apartment with ruby and tyler.


sorry that the writing in this chapter is shit im going away this weekend and im not sure if i'll have wifi but if i don't then i'll still be drafting n i come back on sunday so

the quiet ⭑ joshler Where stories live. Discover now