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the next day, josh got up earlier than usual. he wanted to get to school as quick as he could, so he could see tyler again.

he frowned when he couldn't find tyler's pale face in the crowd of familiar boring school pupils, but before he could look for him further, billie had jumped on him. "guess what, guess what, guess what!" billie squealed in delight, grabbing josh's arms.

ashley was behind her, rolling her eyes at josh.

"what?" asked josh, not listening properly, still searching for tyler in the packed corridor.

"we took rodney to the petshop, and the chinchilla they're trying to breed rodney with is pregnant. isn't that great? my little rodney is going to have babies! im going to be a grandma!" billie clasped her hands together, beaming.

"wow, that's great." josh still wasn't listening properly.

"josh?" billie finally noticed that he seemed distant.

"look, i need to go, i'm sorry." josh pushed past her, walking off.

"what's up with him?" asked ashley, frowning.

"probably having boyfriend issues." billie sighs. "at least i've got you!" she smiled.

josh couldn't find tyler that day, or the next day either, and started to get worried.

when he got back from school on thursday, he sat on the bed for a long time, thinking over everything. he decided it was time.

"mom? dad?" josh walked in to the living room, where his parents were both sat on the couch, watching the tv. his hands were shaking, so he clenched them tighter.

"yeah, honey?" his mom replied.

"there's something i need to tell you both." he was starting to sweat.

"what is it, josh?" asked his dad.

"okay.."josh gathered up all his courage and said it: those two words he's been thinking about for so long.

"i'm gay."

he breathed out in relief, opening his eyes. he'd finally said it.

"come here, josh." his mom said calmly.

josh stepped closer to his mom, and both his parents hugged him tightly. "we love you no matter what."

josh felt a tear slide down his cheek.


"i came out to my parents yesterday." josh tells ashley and bill the next day.

"oh my god, josh!" ashley says, hugging him. "i'm so proud of you!"

bill joins in the hug. "what was their reaction?"

"they were really sweet about it." josh smiles, and suddenly bursts in to tears all over again. "i'm so happy."

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