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ugh, monday, josh thought, as he had a shower and chucked on some jeans and the same shirt he had worn yesterday.

he had seen the school thousands of times now, when his mom passed it with him when they were driving to the grocery store.

it was only a couple of roads away, and josh was becoming more used to the town now, so he wasn't getting lost-even though all the houses looked the same.

josh quickly had breakfast and left to get to school early, he didn't want to make a bad impression on the first day.

he plugged in his ear phones and started walking to school.

there were already a couple of people in the hallways when he got in, and they were all looking at him a bit weirdly, josh assumed they didn't get new kids often.

josh looked down at his hands and realised he was shaking-he tried to make them still, and he felt his breathing start to hitch up.

he breathed in slowly, trying to calm himself down and stared at the office doors, ignoring everything else so he could get to his destination.

if he wasn't self conscious enough already, the boy that he had seen come out of the forest the other day was sitting on a chair in the office, staring down at his hands.

josh didn't want to look at him for too long, because he'd feel uncomfortable, but now he could see the boy up close-he could see the black tufts off fluffy hair peaking out of the boy's hood and thought the boy's face was very pretty, even though he looked sad as well.

josh looked away immediately when "pretty" came in to his head, and walked across to the office desk.

"joshua dun?" the office lady said, while josh spotted the boy's head look up in the corner of his eye.

"um-yeah, that's me." josh said nervously, his cheeks blushing red like his hair.

"moved here from..columbus?" she asked, looking down at the papers. "right, josh. here's your timetable,"

she passed josh the slip of paper, and smiled falsely, her dark purple lipstick making josh squirm inside at all the wrinkles and the patches where she didn't notice that the lipstick had not reached.

he tried smiling back, but he ended up doing it falsely too-and walked out the room before she could say anything more.

the minute he was out he saw ashley's striking blue hair and walked over to her awkwardly. she was standing with two other boys who had there hands wrapped around each other's waists.

"josh!" ashley called josh over, smiling.

josh was immediately jealous of ashley. he knew ashley was one of those confident people that everyone liked.

josh hated being jealous.

"hi, josh, im brendon." said one of the boys-josh noticed that he has very dark eyebrows and a big forehead, and quickly wiped the thought from his mind, he didn't want to be mean.

"and this is my boyfriend, ryan." said brendon.

josh nodded at ryan, smiling a little. "hi."

"so, where did you move from?" asked ryan.


"really? why did you decide to move to this tiny freaking town?" asked brendon.

josh smiled. "I don't really know, it was my parents."

"he got lost, that's why I found him-he went round my house three times." said ashley, chuckling.

"well, if he can't find his way around this place, how did he live in columbus?"

"ashley!" josh heard someone shout from behind him before he could reply.

brendon rolled his eyes and josh turned round to see a girl.

josh was not someone to judge, but he had never seen a girl dress that way at school before.

she had hair dyed grey with a purple tint, and a face that looked permanently bored. she wore an oversized yellow bomber jacket and sports pants, josh liked her already. she seemed to not care a lot about what people think.

"ashley!" she shouted again and hugged ashley. "i found rodney!"

josh turned around to see ryan muttering something like: "not that fucking rodent again."

"where was he?" ashley asked once the two girls had recovered from their hug.

"outside on the playpark, again." the girl smiled, then looked up at the rest of them and noticed josh standing there, a mixture of confusion and nervousness on his face.

"oh, is this josh?" the girl asked.

ashley nodded.

the girl smiled. "well, hi, i'm bill, short for billie, pleased to meet you-ashley was talking about you." she shook hands with josh.

josh looked at the time on his phone. "um, I should probably be getting to class."

ryan looked over josh's shoulder at the timetable that was still in his hand.

"ive got the same lesson as you, first." ryan said.

"great." said ashley. "well, see you later, josh."

ryan started walking with josh to his first lesson.

"um, do you know who rodney is?" asked josh nervously.

"oh, that's bill's chinchilla. don't ask me why she even has a chinchilla, though." ryan replies. "she loses him nearly every week."

i love billie a lot ok

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