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josh was disappointed the next day because tyler didn't come to school.

he wanted to ask tyler about all the lyrics in the book, but he didn't want to at the same time because he was afraid what tyler would think of him for reading his private book.

in fact, tyler didn't come to school the next day either, or the day after that-or the rest of the week.

friday night was spent with josh, looking outside his window, hoping tyler would walk out of the forest again.

but of course, he didn't.

"right, me and your father have been meaning to talk to you." said joshs mom, as she walked in to his room and sat beside him on his bed.

"you haven't seemed particularly..happy here since we moved in?"

josh raised his eyebrows. "it's only been three weeks."

"that's what I said." joshs mom smiled.

"well, im alright." said josh.

"have you got any new friends yet?" she tried, she didn't want to make a big deal of it because she knew josh hadn't had friends at his old school.

"um, yeah, actually. with a couple of people." josh didn't want to say names because he was scared his mom would make a deal about "girls" if he mentioned ashley or billie. besides, josh was gay..he just hadnt came out to his family yet.

joshs moms eyes widened. "really?" wow, that's great. im glad your settling in here, josh."

she smiled and left josh listening to his music.

josh thought back to monday—what did ashley mean, tylers imaginary friend was the bully? and why can't josh get tyler out of his thoughts?

that night, josh woke up suddenly to the sounds of sobs coming from his window.

he ran to the window, and saw tyler leaning on to the curb-he was in tears.

josh immediately grabbed the notebook and headed down the stairs.

josh realised he hadn't thought this through as he opened the door and his heart started beating violently as he walked towards tyler, who noticed josh immediately.

josh thought tyler looked so beautiful in the moonlight, even if he was crying.

"tyler." josh said, tyler immediately looking up. "oh, sorry-" josh said and started to sign.

i found your book in the classroom on monday, you must've dropped it, josh signed.

tyler suddenly stopped frowning and smiled at josh tightly.

joshs heart started racing, tyler was so beautiful, but so fragile, it seemed.

thankyou, tyler signed, but then frowned: you didn't read anything from it, did you?

there was a small pause. josh didn't want to lie, but he didn't want tyler to hate him, either.

no, nothing, josh signed.

but the pause had been too long and tyler could tell something was up.

im sorry, josh signed.

it's ok, tyler nodded, but he didn't look like everything was ok.

josh noticed that tyler was shivering, and gave him a quick hug, which tyler was too stunned to hug back on.

the silence in the air wasn't awkward, but peaceful.

you look so cold, josh signed, go back home now, it'll be ok, whatever you're so sad about, i promise. josh didn't ask what was wrong, he hated it when people asked him why he was sad, and he figured he'd leave tyler to do the same.

tyler, on the other hand, was completely stunned by josh's kindness, and smiled at him and nodded before walking away in to the night with his book.

josh couldn't be more happy. he'd finally spoken to tyler, properly-and his heart was still beating, sososososososososo fast.


plez don't be a silent reader^•^

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