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holy shit i just realised this is so close to 500 reads thankyou and please don't be a silent reader ^.^


ashley was right. you couldn't miss it. it truly was a 'old abandoned barn'.

as josh started walking over the overgrown plants in the empty field, he noticed that the barn had obviously been abandoned for some time.

it's windows were boarded up with graffiti covered cardboard and then obviously had been vandalised and had stuff chucked at it so they could get in to the barn, which was a bit stupid to josh, seeing as the barn door was wide open.

he crept in to the barn: it was quite dark apart from the few beams of light coming from broken creaks and dents where the walls had been vandalised or it had just broken over time.

inside was a stack of hay on each corner and lots of cardboard boxes nobody had used in a long time.

josh spotted, right on the top of the beams holding the roof together, was a figure, sitting, staring-at nothing in particular.

"tyler?" josh called.

tyler didn't look down, just carried on staring in to space.

josh heaved heavily, and started to make his way piling up card board boxes, so he could get on to the beams.

it was only when he'd reached the beam, panting of breath, did he realise there was a ladder near where tyler was sitting, so he could've just clambered up easily.

non-gracefully, josh shuffled towards tyler on the wooden plank nervously, not standing up in case he fell.

finally, he reached tyler, and took him by the hand, holding it firmly.

"look, tyler, i need to talk with you, about your brother-" josh started.

"i killed him here." tyler whispered.

josh flinched, but didn't let go of tyler's hand.

"your mom said you didn't have a brother."

tyler stared hardly at the wall for a long time, until he replied.

"my mom's right. he wasn't ever really a brother, he was so mean, and bullied me because i was quiet."


"he was a part of me."

the quiet ⭑ joshler Where stories live. Discover now