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josh stumbled in to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet, for the third time that morning. well, not even morning-it was 1pm, and tyler was still asleep.

when josh had finished throwing up, he went back in to the bedroom, waking tyler up.

"everything hurts." tyler groaned. "i'm never drinking alcohol again."

he rolled back round in the blanket, trying to get back to sleep.

josh shuffled under the blanket next to tyler, putting his arms round him, cuddling.

"oh, dammit!" tyler jumped out of bed.

"what is it?" josh frowned.

"my mom!" tyler remembered, frantically running out of the room.

he rushed through the door in to the spare room, expecting his mom to be sleeping peacefully on the mattress. but she was nowhere to be seen.

"oh shit." tyler whispered, taking time to progress where his mom had gone. "oh no, oh no, she wouldn't, she couldn't-"

"what?" josh exclaimed, catching up with tyler.

"i think she's gone back to my dad." tyler breathes.

seconds later, they both hear the phone ringing.

tyler's shaking, and josh stands there, helpless, not knowing what to do.

as if tyler read his mind, he shouts: "pick up the god damn phone, josh!"

josh nods, walking slowly towards the phone, and pressing accept.

"hello, is this tyler joseph?" josh heard a deep male voice on the other end of the line.

"no, ur-he can't talk now." josh stutters.

"um, okay. i'm so sorry i have to tell you this, but we found both tyler's parents dead in their house this morning, one of their neighbours rang after they heard a gun shot. it seems, tyler's mother was beaten to death by his father who took his own life with a gun not too long after. i'm so sorry." there was a long pause. neither of them knew what to say, for josh was too scared and shocked by the news. he had just seen tyler's mother only yesterday. and, to think-to think that it was josh's fault. if he hadn't gone out and tyler hadn't followed him they could have stopped it all from happening. josh tried to speak, but his mouth was dry, and nothing seemed to be coming out.

shortly after the phone call ended, josh tried to tell tyler what happened.

tyler wouldn't stop crying, and josh had to hug him to sleep.

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