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that friday, tyler still hasn't arrived at school, and josh decided he had to find him. something didn't feel right.

as he walked steadily in to the forest, seeing as that was the only place he'd expect tyler to be; in stead of singing, he heard him crying.

tyler was sitting on a branch not as high this time, his body curled up and his face in his hands.

"tyler?" josh said, making tyler look up, his cheeks tear-stained.

josh started to climb up the tree, and sat down next to tyler.

"what is it?"

tyler suddenly burst in to tears all over again. and when he's finished his explosion, he took a deep breath before he spoke: "your mum..she called my mum explaining where we were and what happened on monday night and when we were at the hospital. my mom kind of guessed that we were more than friends."

quick tears slid down tyler's pale face.

"she told me to get out of the house, before my dad found out, and not to come back."

there was a long silence full of tyler's heavy breathing.

"i don't think she loves me anymore."

he bursts in to tears all over again, and josh puts his arms around tyler. "it will be okay, i promise, i love you josh."

"i've been sleeping in the forest." tyler whispered.

"i'll ask my mom if you can stay with us for a while." josh says comfortingly.

"you would do that? f-for me?" tyler stuttered, his eyes wide.

"of course."


this is getting so cliché

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