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the next couple of days are pretty boring. josh doesn't go out much because school hasn't started yet and he doesn't really want to get lost again.

josh texted ashley a bit, just asking her about the town, but he hasn't really done much at all apart from think.

josh keeps thinking about the boy he saw come out of the woods the other day-what was he doing in there? especially when ashley said those woods were haunted?

still, his room looks slightly more colourful then it was before. josh had added in some more furniture and painted the walls a pale whitey-blue color.

it reminded josh of his grandma's house. it was always so quiet in his grandmas house, but josh enjoyed it.

the quiet was mostly there because josh's grandma was deaf, so he spent most of his childhood learning sign language.

his grandma would always tell him stories about monsters and creatures that hid in woods through sign and josh would always be scared of going in to forests after that.

but when josh's grandma died, it was very sad times. his mom became depressed and there was a lot of conflict between his parents. maybe that's the reason why they decided to move?

josh misses his grandma a lot, don't get him wrong-and he misses practicing sign.

it's sunday. josh hate sundays, so he tries to sleep-but he's too nervous. school starts tomorrow.

he hopes ashley doesn't mind him hanging out with her, because he hasn't really seen any other kids apart from her, except from that boy.

josh can't stop thinking about him.

who is he?

probably gonna be doing shorter chapters, but there'll be more updates bc schools out ^v^

the quiet ⭑ joshler Where stories live. Discover now