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sorry I haven't updated in a while it's just I didn't think anyone was really reading this but im back now =)


you're going to think im crazy, tylers eyes met josh's.

i already do, josh smiles. but so am i, so that's ok.

tyler's eyes sparkle then. josh thinks about kissing him, but then slaps the thought away and turns bright red.

ok, tyler takes in a deep breath. i can hear voices, and see people that no one else can see

ghosts? signs josh, getting a little nervous. he wasn't one to believe in spooky stuff but after playing with the oujia board he'd started to get more curious about it, and scared.

not exactly, tyler looks down at the leaf covered ground. more like lost spirits...or, demons.

josh takes a step back, getting more anxious.

tyler looks up at him, frowning. you don't believe me, do you?

there was a long pause.

no, i do, it's just..

tyler looks at josh expectantly.

im not sure how to explain it.

i know what you mean, tyler nods, and suddenly grabs josh's hands, making josh blush. this time he was to look in to tyler's eyes. his soft, brown, confusing eyes.

promise me something. tyler signs.

josh nods.

promise me you won't let him get to me.

who? josh signs.

a tear slides down tyler's cheek. fast and silently.

"what is it?" josh speaks this time, breaking the awful silence. this is the first time josh has ever hated the quiet so much.

tyler continues to stare at josh's eyes, the tears still coming down, while josh tries to shake him. "tyler?"

"please promise you won't leave." tyler whispers.

it's the first time he's spoke in three years.

"I promise." josh whispers, hugging tyler.

when they break from the hug, they are both still staring at each other's eyes.

they are so close their noses are nearly touching.

josh leans in closer, his arms still wrapped around tyler, until their lips touch.


this is short but cliff hanger-ish so you can all hate me

the quiet ⭑ joshler Where stories live. Discover now