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the red haired boy opened his eyes, and felt a cool breeze on his face. up above him, was tree branches, stringing around the clouds in the sky.

it took josh a moment to realise where he has and why he was there, but then it all came rushing back to him.

tyler's screams, shaking, waking up the whole forest.

josh had slept through the night, because it was only just morning.

his first instinct was to find tyler, but then remembered what he'd said: "i killed him, josh."

it made a shiver run down his spine as he got up from the forest floor, checking his phone.

it was 8:00am.

he swiped down his phone. there was at least 50 missed calls from both of his parents, but he couldn't be bothered to call them back, he had to find tyler. before it was too late.

he knew wherever tyler was, he was going to be doing something stupid. he couldn't let that happen.

josh ran as fast as he could out of the forest, only to find a police car waiting outside his house.

"josh!" he heard his mother call.

the red haired boy sighed and walked over solemnly to his mom.

the police just shook their heads at this and left, there wasn't much point of trying to write down paperwork.

"where were you?" josh's mom shakes him. "what happened? why didn't you call me back?"

josh stayed silent as all these questions were piled on to him.

"what's gotten in to you, josh?" she asks. "look at me, when im speaking, this isn't a joke. your father called the police."

josh continued to stay quiet.

his mom sighs heavily. "i was so worried about you. don't ever do that again, understand? and you're grounded for a month."

josh didn't bother to reply, he started running away. he suddenly he didn't care anymore. about anything. apart from tyler.

he had to find him.

the quiet ⭑ joshler Where stories live. Discover now