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You had been travelling with Newt for the past two years now and you couldn't be happier. You loved the beasts but most of all you loved him. Not that you're ever gonna tell him. You were way to shy for that.
You had just come home from a girls night with Tina and Queenie. When you couldn't find Newt in their appartment you went into his case. He was sitting next to Frank on a rock, you were about to go to him but stopped when you heard your name. "How am I ever going to tell y/n I love her Frank? It'll probably ruin our friendship, she would never go for someone like me. I'll never be good enough for her. She's the most beautiful creature I've ever laid eyes on and when she smiles at me it's like a thousend occamies are flying around in my stomach." Frank made a small noise and softly bumped Newt with his head. "But I can't keep it a secret any longer. You know what Queenie said, if I don't tell her she will. What am I gonna do Frank?" "You know you could just tell her how you feel." You said. Newt turned around so fast, you could've sworn you heard a few bones crack. "Y/n w-what are... I-I was just-" you interrupted him by crashing your lips on his. The kiss was sweet and passionate, it was better than you ever imagined. Your hand were tangled in his hair, while his hands were placed on your waist as if you might break if he touched you. You pulled away and rested your head on his shoulder. "I love you too, darling." You softly whispered in his ear.
Sorry it's short, the rest will probably be longer. I try to update as often as I can.
- Elly

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