Erumpent's call

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You wiped the sweat off your brow as you finally finished putting up another habitat for a new creature. At 6 am you had started, and now, at 8 pm you were done at last. Though a small necessity had slipped your mind — food. It wasn't until your boyfriend Newt pointed it out.

"Y/n, dear it looks perfect." Newt said, wrapping his arms tenderly around your waist. You were about to respond when you were interrupted by your stomach rumbling loudly.
Newt turned you around so you were facing him, his eyebrows raised.

"Y/n, have you eaten today?" He questioned sternly.

"O-of course." You lied, not wanting him to worry.

"Well then why does your stomach sound like an erumpent's mating call?"

"Because it's mating season?" Newt tried to keep a straight face at your response but couldn't help the small smile forming.

"Love, you can't keep shoving your own needs aside for the creatures. I love you and I need you to stay safe." He said, softly tucking a lock of hair behind your ear.

"That's rich coming from the guy that stood me up on our first day because, and I quote "his bowtruckle was being bullied and needed emotional support"" You smiled teasingly.

"That was three years ago and I already apologised a hundred times. Besides that's completely unrelated, my point is that you need to take care of yourself. You can't just skip meals in order to—" But before he could finish his sentence he was cut off by yet another loud rumbling noise, only this time it didn't come from you.

"What was that?" You asked, raising your eyebrow.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." He said, avoiding your questioning gaze.

"Have you eaten today?"

"Yes, of course. Naturally. Don't be silly."

"Well then why does your stomach sound like an erumpent's mating call?" You mocked teasingly.

"Oh shut up." Newt smiled as he placed a soft kiss on your lips. "How about we go grab some dinner?"

First of all, thanks for the request I hope you liked it!
Secondly part two of late nights will be up next so stay tuned ;)

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