Where'd you get that black eye? Credence x reader

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I know this is a Newt imagines book but this got requested on tumblr so I thought I'd put it on here. I take all requests if you have any.

Your boyfriend Credence had been avoiding you for two days now and you started to get worried. You had a lot of questions, a lot of different anwsers came to mind but none of them were good. On the third day you'd had enough. You followed him as he left to hand out leaflets and when no one was looking you quickly pulled him into an alley. "Credence, you haven't spoken to me in three days. Is everything alright?" You tried to keep your voice steady but it cracked near the end. "Y/n I'm completely fine, no need to worry about me." It was obvious he was lying. "Don't lie to me. You haven't grown tired of me, have you?" Your heart was racing as you awaited the awnser. He still hadn't looked at you. He kept his gaze focussed on the ground, his head was turned away from you as he spoke. "Of course not, I could never grow tired of you." "Then why won't you talk to me? Why won't you look at me?" Your eyes started to fill with tears. "It's just... I just... I don't want you to see me like this." He said whispering the last part. "What do you mean?" You asked as you softly grabbed his chin and turned his face towards you. You let out a soft gasp when you saw him. His lip was busted, his right cheek was swollen and red and he had a black eye. "Who... who did this to you?" Your voice was almost inaudible. He opened his mouth to say something but only a strangled cry rolled of his lips. Right at that moment he cracked. Tears streamed down his face as he fell to the ground, shaking heavily. You cradled him as you tried to calm him down by whispering sweet nothings in his ear. "Credence, look at me." He looked up at you with glassy eyes. "Did your mother do this to you?" He nodded as tears threatened to spill again. "Oh sweetheart, she will never touch you again. I will make sure of it. I won't let her hurt you ever again." You said, softly stroking his hair. "I can't go back there." He sobbed. "I know darling, and you don't have to, you can come live with me." He looked at you with hopeful eyes. "Really?" "Really." You smiled at him. "I love you y/n. Please don't ever leave me." The pained look on his face broke your heart. "Never." You told him. "I promise."

This is way to short. Sorry about that.

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