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You smiled to yourself as you casually strolled through Central Park. A soft breeze caressed your flushed face. With your camera in one hand and a warm drink in the other, you took in the beautiful sight around you. The fallen leaves looked like an autumn carpet, and kids hung from the bare branches of trees. Though all the sights were perfect to you, there was one that caught your eye. Sitting a few feet away from you a man with a blue coat and a case seemed to be intrigued by the ducks that swarmed around his feet as they picked at the breadcrumbs he had given them. You focused your camera on the mystery man, careful not to draw his attention. But of course the sound of the picture being taken made his head snap up. Well, there's no going back now.

"Excuse me, I'm sorry if I seemed like some kind of stalker, but I like to take unexpected pictures. I find they are the most beautiful ones because it shows a person's true feelings in that exact moment. I'm really sorry if I was rude or anything." You apologized as you walked towards him.

"Oh no, it's fine. I was just a tad surprised that's all." He said in an obvious British accent. "I'm Newt by the way. Newt Scamander."

"Y/n Y/l/n. I take it you're new here?"

"I've been here for a while now, but I'm afraid I haven't got the time to go sight-seeing yet. I was actually planning on exploring a bit today."

"Maybe I could show you around? I know the city like the back of my hand, it wouldn't be a problem. That is if you want to hang out with me of course." You slightly blushed as you internally lectured yourself for being so direct.

"Why wouldn't I want to hang out?" His head slightly turned to the side with a confused expression. To be honest it was adorable.

"Most people find that I can be a bit too bubbly for their liking." The sadness was evident in your voice. Your parents had always taught you that you should be kind to everyone, and you had always followed their advice. But for some reason people didn't want to get to know you.

"I don't see how anyone could be too bubbly." He smiled at you before offering his arm. You gladly took it as the two of you went on your journey through the busy streets of New York.

Sooner than you wanted it to, the day came to an end. Newt had offered to walk you home, and thus you went on your way to your small apartment. Slowly but surely you felt his hand slide into yours, entwining your fingers as he delicately rubbed the back of your hand with his thumb.

"Did you enjoy today?" You asked once you reached your destination.

"I-I, well, y-you, I m-mean." A thousand words seemed to try and come out of his mouth all at once until he finally settled for a simple "Yes.".

"I did too, I hope I'll see you again." You said, kissing him on the cheek before disappearing into the building.

*Time skip because I can*

It had been four weeks since you met Newt, and to you these were the best weeks of your live. You loved his adorableness, you loved his little quirks, you loved the freckles that littered his face, you loved the way he shyly smiled when he talked about his dreams and hopes, you loved the twinkle in his eyes when he learned new things. You loved him.

The two of you were walking through the park when he stopped to look at you. "I've got something to tell you, Y/n." He said.

"What is it? Is everything okay?"

"Look, this might sound crazy and you probably won't believe me but I just need you to know." He took a deep breath before going on. "I'm a wizard."

"You're a what?" You asked bewildered.

"A wizard."

"You mean like bibbedi bobbedi boo?"

"I'm afraid I don't know what that is." (and how could he, I mean that's almost thirty years after this moment but oh well)

"It's a-you know, never mind. I really want to believe you since I trust you, but I'm gonna need some proof." He seemed to think about this for a second before quickly pulling you behind a tree and opening his case. You assumed he was just gonna show you his pointy blue and silver wizard hat and his sparkly wand, but instead he casually walked into the case as if he was using stairs. For a moment you were too amazed to move, until his hand appeared motioning you to come inside.

The inside of the case was the most wonderful thing you had ever seen. Of course you hadn't been inside a suitcase before, but still. You were immediately greeted by a small creature with long white fur. You laughed as it carefully touched your leg.

"That's Dougal." Newt said. "He likes you."

"Alright, I think I believe you. But I do have a question." You smiled, petting the little ball of fur.

"I'm surprised you only have one, but go ahead."

"Can you erase memories?" This seemed to put him on edge.

"Yes, but why would you want to know that?" Slight fear laced his voice.

"Because you can erase mine if this turns out to be a huge mistake." You said before pulling him towards you by his collar and crashing your lips on his. It took him a moment to realize what was going on, making you pull away until he grabbed your waist. He pulled you closer, his hand softly caressing your cheek. Reluctantly you both pulled away for air, resting your foreheads together.

"Never mind," You breathed. "I never wanna forget this."

a/n soooo I'm not dead... again... I really should start updating on a regular basis. Anyway I hope you liked this, don't worry if you've seen this on tumblr I didn't steal it, as I said in the synopsis of this book most of the imagines are taken from my tumblr account. Aside from all that, I've send my wattpad account to like all of the english/dutch teachers I've had the past few years so I'm praying they won't reach the fanfiction and stick to my fantasy books... could you imagine how awkward it would be if they did read this? Like hello there, I promise I'm not crazy 

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