Long and sad goodbye

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Warning: character death

You and Newt were hiding behind a pillar as he tried to talk to Credence.

"Credence? It's Credence isn't it? We're here to help you, Credence. We're not here to hurt you." Newt softly said.

You looked behind you, watching intently for the owner of the footsteps you were hearing. When you looked back Newt had let go of your hand, and had moved out from behind the pillar. You slowly followed Newt, when you saw Credence you felt tears form in your eyes. The young boy curled up inside the mass of the Obscurus. 

"I've met someone just like you, Credence." Newt went on. "A girl - a young girl who'd been imprisoned, she had been locked away and she'd been punished for her magic." You remembered that girl, you both had tried so hard to save her. 

Slowly the Obscurus started melting away, leaving a frightened Credence huddled on the train tracks. A single tear slipped down your cheek as you watched the young boy, a glint of hope in his scared eyes.

"Credence, can I come over to you? Can I come over?" Newt slowly walked towards him, but suddenly you caught sight of Graves ready to cast a spell. Not wanting anything to happen to your beloved Newt you quickly jumped in the way. The impact of the spell send you flying into the wall. Before Newt could react Percival had already fired more spells, each of them hit your boyfriend, making him cry out in pain.

You watched in horror as you saw Credence trying to get away, but an approaching train stood in his way. Graves quickly casted him out of it's path, giving Newt a chance to get up. The two men continued to duel but neither of them notice Credence shaking as the Obscurus took the overhand again.

A single "Credence" fell from Graves' lips as the Obscurus screamed and dived towards the already disapparated man. Being unable to move you pressed yourself as close to the wall as possible.

It was like they're playing a game of tag, the men disapparated while the Obscurus tried to catch them, but after awhile it had both Newt and Graves beneath it's mass. Just as you thought everything was lost Tina ran in.

"Credence, no!" She screamed. Your vision began to blur and for some reason you wanted nothing more than to just close your eyes and fall into a deep slumber. Slowly your hand reached down towards your stomach - on which you had landed, you let out a shaky breath as you saw the blood that spilled from a large wound on your abdomen. You must have fell onto something sharp when the spell hit you. Tina's distant words were the last thing you heared before you blacked out.

You awoke to someone softly stroking your cheek. There were tears on your face, but they weren't yours.

"Oh Merlin's beard, y/n. I thought I had lost you." Newt cried as he pulled you into his chest. Taking in your surroundings, you noticed you were still in the train station. You saw madam Picquery standing with some people you suspected were from MACUSA. A few feet away were Tina, Queenie and Jacob. You smiled as you thought of how much they have come to mean to you in such little time, but you felt your heartbeat slow down and it got harder to breath.

"Newt?" You whispered. "Newt I'm not gonna make it." More tears spilled down his cheeks as he almost violently shook his head.

"Of course you are, you're gonna be fine. We still have so much to do, so many creatures to find, so many moments to come." You wiped his tears away, smiling up at him.

"No I'm not, and you know it. But just promise me Credence is okay. Promise me, Newt." Your voice was barely audible as your eyes began to close.

"Y/n, please don't go, please." He sobbed.

"I love you." You told him as your last breath left your lips. A ghost of a smile hinted at your face, but the once so familiar sparkle in your eyes was nowhere to be seen. Your lifeless body was now hanging limp in his arms, but at least his beautiful face was the last thing you saw before the last signs of life left you.

- I kinda cried while writing this. I'm sorry I haven't updated in awhile but I've recently started a Remus Lupin fanfiction called Puppy Love. I hope you enjoyed reading and there will be more Newt imagines soon.

Love, Elena.

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