The zoo part 2

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Requested by @spaceb0i I hope you like it :)

It had been 3 weeks since I met y/n. She's absolutely wonderful. How her h/c hair flows around her soft face, how her beautiful e/c eyes sparkle when she talks about something she loves. How she slightly bites her lip when she tries not to laugh at one of my silly jokes. Everything about her was perfect to me, but the one thing that really made me fall for her was her intelligence. 

I'd shown her my case after two days, and she'd been helping me with my creatures ever since. I watched as she played with Dougal, the niffler was sat on her shoulder. A soft sound broke me out of my daydream. I looked down to see Pickett angrily waving his hands. 

"I can't ask her out." I told him.

"She'll reject me." I answered as he asked why. Ignoring the rest of Pickett's protests, I averted my gaze back to y/n. Soon night fell, and the stars began to appear. She smiled an ran towards me.

"Come on, Newt." She said. "Let's go watch the stars." Her soft hand reached for mine as she dragged me to an open field. We laid down on the grass, our hands still intertwined.

"Look, you see those stars shaped like a w over there?" I nodded, examining the soft glow of the twinkling stars that reflected in her bright eyes. 

"That's Cassiopeia. Can you see that glow a little more to the right? That's the Andromeda nebula. Its light took 2.2 million years to reach our planet, which means we're actually looking straight at history. It's the nearest major galaxy to the milky way." We had been staring up at the stars for about half an hour when a shooting star flashed by. I closed my eyes, thinking of the one thing I wanted most: y/n. I turned my head, but she was already looking at me. Our faces only millimeters apart. Before I knew what was happening her lips were on mine. After a few seconds she pulled away, our foreheads pressed together. 

"Seems like my wish came through." We said at the same time. She giggled and snuggled up into my chest, listening to my rapid heartbeat. 

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