This is Halloween

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a/n This was supposed to be uploaded on Halloween but... uhm... oops? Anyways happy Halloween!! This is a modern au btw

You sighed as you watched the rain fall, the howling of the wind echoed through your small apartment. Newt softly wrapped his arms around you, leaving a single kiss on your shoulder. 

"How about we have a lazy day? We can watch a movie?" He asked as you leaned into his touch. 

"Can I pick the movie?" He nodded but soon regretted his decision when he saw the mischievous smile that played on your lips. 

"Merlin's beard." He whispered under his breath before he reluctantly sat on the couch, waiting for your choice of film.

"Tadaa, sinister 2." You said smiling. (a/n There should be more Lucas Zumann fanfiction, I mean come on he's adorable.)

"Do we have to watch a scary movie?" Newt squeaked. You just rolled your eyes as you put on the film.

*time lapse* 

"MERLIN'S BEARD." Newt screamed when Milo showed his true faces. 

"Aww come on, love. He's so cute." Your boyfriend looked at you in disbelieve. 

"Why don't you date him, if he's so 'cute'?" He huffed.

"Sweetheart, are you really jealous of a 13 year old ghost boy?" A soft giggle escaped your lips, making him look down. He smiled at you, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. Your lips lightly touched his before you averted your gaze back to the tv screen. 

Throughout the rest of the movie Newt kept his arms tightly around you, and though he won't admit it he had squealed multiple times. When the movie was finally coming to an end he relaxed a bit. 

"That was horrible." He said, still trembling. You just laughed and caressed his cheek. Newt's attitude completely changed, going from terrified to absolutely head over heels in just a matter of seconds. He softly placed his lips on yours again, savoring the small gesture. 

"I love you, Newt." You said, staring into his innocent eyes. 

"I love yo- HOLY" He screamed again, when Bughuul made his last appearance. 

A/n Tbh this is exactly how I imagine Newt would be if he watched a horror movie. He's too innocent for that stuff. I hope you guys liked it :) Part 2 for the sorting ceremony is coming soon ;)

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