The Zoo

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A big thank you to @Mrs_Joker_ for the request :)

Newt pov

Since I had a little more time before I had to leave America, I decided to go to the zoo. I'd always been intrigued by all the muggle animals. The first thing that caught my eye where these little furry beasts, they looked a bit like tiny humans. I was staring at them in awe when a laugh snapped me out of my trance. 

"I've never seen someone so interested in monkeys." I looked to my right to see a girl smiling at me. I must say she was extremely pretty. Instantly my cheeks started heating up, making me look at the ground.

"I find them quite amusing." I said quietly. The girl smiled and held out her hand.

"I'm Y/n, I work here." 

"I-I'm Newt." The stuttering made me blush even harder.

"Well, Newt, would you like me to show you around?" I quickly nodded, excited to know everything there is to know about these muggle creatures.

"Alright, so these are Capuchin monkeys. They are found in the Northern parts of Argentina. The monkeys are also scattered around North America and South America. They are able to live in a variety of different habitats. Some of them live very high in the trees and others are in a lower region. They live in the rain forests as well as some dry areas." She explained. 

"What about their behavior?" I asked fascinated.

"Most people say the monkeys are lazy as they will often take naps during the day. They socialize in small groups and are very prominent with vocalizing. They are aggressive when it comes to their territory. They heavily mark it to keep others away. The males are dominant, they may fight among themselves for the role of leader and for mating. It is common for groups to have new leaders often due to the fighting among the males." 

*timeskip to the end of the tour*

" And the last ones are Carausius morosus. They're basically just walking sticks. Though they kind of remind me of that bowtruckle you've got in your pocket." I looked at her with wide eyes. I don't know what surprised me more, the fact that she saw Pickett or the fact that she knows what he is.

"Y-you know what this is?" I asked bewildered, taking Pickett out of my pocket.

"Well, doesn't every witch or wizard know bowtruckles? That's like one of the first creatures I learned about in Care For Magical Creatures." Could this girl get any better?

"So you're not a muggle?"

"Nope," She said, popping the p. "I'm a half-blood to be exact." 

"I take it you went to Ilvermorny?" 

"I take it you went to Hogwarts?" She mocked. I smiled, knowing this was the start of a fantastic friendship. And who knows, maybe even more.

A/n I hope you like it! Sorry it's short though. Anyway, thanks again for the request :)

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