Only you (p2)

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In the first weeks that Newt was gone you wrote him letters almost every day, but after a while your letters became less frequently. It started with a couple of days, but days turned to weeks, and weeks eventually turned into months.
It's not like you didn't want to keep in touch, you just thought he didn't really need you anymore.
In his last letters he started talking about this woman he met, Tina, who was apparently 'absolutely fantastic and had eyes like a salamander'.
He had found someone new, so why bother keeping in touch? You loved him, but seeing him fall in love with someone else was just too painful, so you stopped writing.

*couple of days later*

"I got a letter from Newt this morning." Theseus said, the envelope in his hand. You had moved in with Theseus not long after Newt left. His company really cheered you up and after all he was still one of your best friends.

"Lovely." You faked a smile. "Anyway I have to get to work."

"Don't you wanna know what he said?"

"No that's fine, just tell me tonight or something." You refused to hear anything else about his great new love. Of course you were happy he found someone, but you'd hoped it would've been you.

"But Y/n, he's-" you didn't hear the rest of it as you were already out the door.
Making your way to work you tried to stop thinking about Newt, but it seemed if like your brain had become a record player and his face was the only record you owned.

*after work*

You sighed as you closed the door behind you. Before you had even enterde the room you were already ranting about your awful day.

"Of course Jennifer got that promotion! Merlin's beard she basically forces herself on our boss. And can you believe what she made me do today?! She made me get her coffee! What am I? Her secretary? That evil loathsome little-" You stopped mid sentence when you took in the sight before you. Theseus stood before you, his usual smirk on his face. But that wasn't what got your attention, it was the mob of auburn curls behind him. Your eyes locked onto Newt's before drifting over to the beautiful woman beside him whom you assumed was Tina. 

"Hello." Newt said, awkwardly standing up. 

"What?" That was the only word you could think of, it was like your brain just decided to stop working. Luckily the silence was cut short by a cute blonde woman and a brown haired man stumbling out of the kitchen.

"Oh hello sweetie! You must be Y/n! Newt has told us all about ya!" The woman winked. "I'm Queenie, nice to meet ya! This is Jacob, and that's my sister Tina."

"I tried to tell you," Theseus said, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. "But like always you were too stubborn to listen."

It might have been your imagination but you could've sworn Newt looked almost angry, though you had no idea why. To avoid any more awkward silence you quickly made your way to the kitchen, announcing you were gonna start making dinner.

Queenie was the one who talked the most during dinner, explaining everything that had happened in New York. Newt occasionally corrected her when she exaggerated some parts, making you slightly giggle at his humble personality.

"Well Y/n here isn't doing too bad either," Theseus began when Newt mentioned his successful book. "She's single-handedly made her way to the top. I'm so proud of my girl." He smiled, gently squeezing your hand. At this, Newt's face became red. He mumbled something about not feeling well before disappearing into the hallway. 

"What's that all about?" You asked, worry evident in your voice.

"It's about you." Queenie smiled, seeming way too excited. For the second time that evening, all that you could say was a confused 'what'.

"He loves you! I don't even need to read his mind to figure that out. Mercy Lewis he never shuts up about you. The poor guy thinks you're in love with his brother, that's why he's acting so strange." 

"But I don't love Theseus!" You quickly tried to change the quite harsh statement when you saw Theseus' hurt expression. "I mean I do, of course I do you're my best friend. I just... I don't love you the way I love Newt." He nodded, blood rushing to his face. 

"Go talk to him then." He ushered, a smile on his lips though his eyes looked sad. You softly kissed his cheek before quickly rushing to Newt.

You found him sitting on your bed, his head in his hands. His hair was a complete mess, probably from him running his hand through it one too many times. He looked up when he heard you enter, clearing his throat as he jumped up.

"W-what are you doing here?" Newt asked, his voice cracking a bit.

"This is my room, what's your excuse?" You tried to crack a joke, though it clearly wasn't appreciated. 

"Shouldn't you be in there with Theseus right now? I mean you are 'his girl' after all." You'd never heard him sound so spiteful. You wanted to comfort him, tell him he was the only one for you, but you couldn't help the anger building up in you. He was always gushing over Tina, telling you how great she was. What right did he have to be jealous?

"What about you huh? Shouldn't you be adopting guinea pigs with Tina? Or whatever it is you two do together. Merlin it's like you're obsessed with her!" 

"I am not obsessed with her. Besides, why do you care? You're way too busy being all lovey dovey  with Theseus to even notice anyone else!"

"I don't love Theseus!"

"Yeah right, give me one good reason to believe you!"

"Because I love you, you idiot!" He didn't respond, he just looked at you wide eyed. Tears started welling up as you stared at the floor. You wanted to disappear on the spot.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't... I don't... I just... I'm gonna go." Before you could run off, Newt grabbed your wrist, pulling you into his chest. The close proximity made your breath hitch. Newt softly lifted your chin, his hand caressing your cheek.

"I love you too. I always have." He whispered.

"But what about Tina?"

"Tina is just a really good friend." The twinkle in his eyes was almost dancing. "There's only you."

There was nothing else to say. You reached up, connecting your lips in a sweet, loving kiss. Though it only lasted a few seconds you were out of breath by the time you pulled back. The cheer emotion of the kiss being enough to make you light headed. You nuzzled your head in the crook of his neck as you softly played with his curls.

"Adopt guinea pigs?" Newt laughed.

"Oh shut up, it just slipped out." You smiled, pulling him back for another kiss. 

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