Built-in ending | part 2

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For the past three months you had been travelling the world, looking for magical creatures everywhere. But it just didn't feel the same without Newt. You wanted to hate him but you couldn't. Everything reminded you of him, even a mother holding her child. You remembered how he used to refer to himself as the mommy of beasts, and how he used to call you the 'second mommy'. You missed him no matter what he did to you.
You were walking down the streets of London when you heard your name being called. You turned around to see Newt standing there. He unsurely walked towards you. "H-how have you been?" You just stared at him, not knowing whether you should run away or jump into his arms. Who are you kidding? He's probably in a happy relationship with Tina now. "Fine." He frowns at your short answer. "Y/n? Can we please go somewhere we can talk?" You nodded as you began walking.

After walking for about ten minutes you arrived at a small appartment. 'Probably his and Tina's appartment, I wonder when she moved to London with him.' You thought. He opened the door, stepping aside so you could enter. Inside it was cold and empty. His beloved case stood in a corner of the room. "What's this place?" You asked, turning towards him. "I moved here after you... when we..." He looked away, tears brimming his eyes. An oh left your lips as you averted your gaze out of the window. "So what did you want to talk about?" "About us." Your breath caught in your throat. "There is no us, Newt. Not anymore." "I know but please just listen to me." He begged. "Fine, you have five minutes."

"Look, I know I messed up and I know you probably hate me but... but" The sound of his voice cracking broke your heart. But you couldn't give in. How could you ever trust him again? You kept quiet as he went on. "But please just take m-me back. I don't know what to do without you. I was so stupid for doing what I did. I'm so, so sorry, please give me another chance." You didn't know what to say. Your brain told you to get the hell out of here, but your heart told you to give in. "Newt... I don't know. When I saw you with Tina that day it felt like a piece of me just got up and left. You were that piece. When I saw you with her I wasn't angry with you, because how could I be? I'll never be as pretty or as smart as Tina. I was angry with myself, for not being good enough for you." By now you were full on sobbing.

Newt hesitantly walked towards you and slowly wrapped his arms around you. He waited a bit to see if you'd push him away before he pulled you into his chest, your tears instantly ruining his shirt. "You're right you'll never be as smart or as pretty as Tina." You couldn't believe what he just said. You tried to get away from him, but his grip on you only got tighter as he went on. "Because you are a beautiful genius. She could never compare to you. I'm so sorry for making you feel this way, but I promise if you just give me one more chance I'll tell you how much I love you every day. I will do anything you want. To live without you, only that would be torture. A day alone, only that would be death. I swear if you give me one more chance I promise I'll be the Gomez to your Morticia." (Let's pretend this reference can happen)

"Dammit, Newt. How am I suposed to walk away when you pull the Addams family into this." You laughed as you raised your head to look him in the eyes. "So what do you say?" He asked nervously. "Alright, I'll give you one more chance. On one condition." "Anything." "Keep your promises." You smiled as you reached up to connect your lips. Right now, at this moment, you couldn't be happier. The feeling of his slightly chapped lips against your soft ones made butterflies errupt in your stomach. You were finally back where you belonged. For six months you had been looking for fantastic beasts, but the only fantastic beast that you needed was Newt.

- Seriously half of this story got deleted somehow. I was so pissed about it, but yeah I hope you enjoyed it ;)

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