Built-in ending | part 1

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For the past three months you had been travelling the world with your boyfriend Newt, looking for magical creatures everywhere. You loved it so much, but the thing you loved most of all was Newt. He was everything you ever wanted. He was sweet, caring, loyal, kind, smart and not to mention extremely attractive.
The two of you were back in New York at the moment to visit the Goldstein sisters and Jacob. Over the short time you had spent with them last time you were here, you had made a very strong bond with each of them. Jacob was like an older brother to you while you saw Tina and Queenie as your sisters.
Newt had left you alone in the hotel you were staying at because he said he needed to go do something. He was very secretive about what it was he needed to do but you trusted him.
Since you weren't planning on just sitting around all day you walked to the Goldstein residence, enjoying the spring weather.
You softly knocked on the door. A few seconds later Queenie came into view.
"Y/n? Oh I've missed you so much!" She exclaimed as she threw her arms around you. "I've missed you too, Goldilocks." She laughed at nickname you gave her and stepped aside so you could come in. You were about to ask where Tina was when Queenie beat you to it. "I don't know where she is, she just said she needed to go do something." "You've got to stop reading my mind." She gave you an apologetic smile.
The fact that Tina had used the exact same excuse as Newt slightly worried you, but surely it was just coincedence.
"Would you like to go on a walk? We can ask Jacob to come with us." You nodded in response.
The three of you were walking around central park. You were next to Queenie while Jacob was on Queenie's other side, softly holding her waist.
You were just laughing and joking when the sight in front of you made you stop dead in your tracks. Your heart started beating faster than ever, the blood rushed to your face and you felt hot tears form in your eyes.
There on a bench were Newt and Tina, holding eachother's hands lovingly and kissing softly. Not wanting to keep watching this you turned around and ran. You ignored Queenie and Jacob's protests and just kept running until you couldn't breath anymore and then you just kept pushing yourself to keep going. You kept running until you reached the hotel you were staying at.
When you finally arrived in your room you collapsed on the floor, sobbing uncontrollably. How could he do this to you? How could SHE do this to you?

Newt pov
I felt bad for cheating on Y/n. I really did. But I just can't help it, I love them both.
I was sitting on a bench with Tina when she suddenly got pulled away by her sister. "What the hell are you doing?! Y/n has always been there for us and you repay her by kissing her boyfriend?!" Queenie was furious. "Queenie I-" But she didn't let Tina finish as she turned towards me, her eyes filled with anger and hatred. "And you! How could you?! I thought you hufflepuffs were supposed to be loyal?! You should have seen the look on her face when she saw you two! I have never seen her look that heartbroken." The words she just said made my blood run cold. "W-what do you mean? She-she didn't see us, d-did she?" No this can't be happening. I never meant to hurt her. What am I gonna do if I lose her? I didn't wait for Queenie's awnser as I apparated to our hotelroom.

Y/n pov
You were so lost in your thoughts, you didn't hear Newt come up behind you. "Y/n?" He asked, placing his had on your shoulder. You shrugged it of, the picture of how those hands were holding another woman's hands only minutes ago still playing in your mind. "Y/n please. I'm so so sorry. Please don't leave me." His voice was shaking and it was clear he was trying to hold back his tears. "It's okay Newt, if you love two people at the same time, choose the second one. 'Cause if you really loved the first one you wouldn't have fallen for the second one." (As said by Johnny Depp) "No Y/n please don't do this." He begged, no longer trying to stop his tears. "Please Y/n. I love you, you have to believe me. You were the second one. I used to have a thing for Tina but then I met you and I fell in love with you." You laughed slightly at his words. "Used to? It didn't look like that to me." He looked away from you, trying to find the right words to say. "I-I don't want to be without you, I wanted to be with you forever." His voice was hardly audible. "Well I guess everything just has a built-in ending." You answered as you grabbed your already packed suitcase and left.

- I really don't think Newt would ever cheat tho, he's to adorable. Anyway, should I do a part two on this?

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