Christmas with you

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New York was save again. And that all thanks to your amazing boyfriend Newt. Even though he saved thousands of people he couldn't forgive himself for the one that got away. Credence was on his mind 24/7 and it pained you to see him like this. He hadn't slept in days, he didn't eat, he didn't write and to top it of he completely ignored you. You got that he was sad but you wanted to help him, you wanted the adorable cinnamon roll back that he used to be. It had been months since it all happened. Shouldn't he have moved on by now? You sighed as you looked at him. He was seated in front of the occamies, staring absentmindly at them. He had dark bags under his red eyes. His hair was a mess - even worse than normal - and his skin looked pale and grey. Christmas was coming and you wanted nothing more than to spend it with him.
"Newt? Darling, would you like to decorate the christmas tree with me?" He didn't awnser so you walked up to him and put your hand on his shoulder. "Newt, love?" You tried again. This time he turned to you. His normally sparkling blue eyes held no sign of life in them whatsoever. He stared at you with his dull eyes, slightly uncomfortable under his hard glare you cleared your throat and repeated your question. "Newt, would you like to decorate the christmas tree with me?" He didn't say anything but just turned his head again. You felt a mixture of anger and hurt botteling inside you. How could he do this to you? You had always been there for him no matter what. How could he just toss you aside like that? You started getting angrier by the second and before you knew it your thoughts were spilling out of your mouth. "Newton Artemis Fido Scamander I've had it with your stupid behaviour. I get that you're sad but you need to move on, you can't live in the past forever. You need to live in the present, here, with me." "Well what if I don't wanna live here with you? What if I'd rather still have Credence here than be here with you?" He spat. You were glad to hear his voice again for the first time in days, maybe even months. But the words that rolled of his lips felt like a thousand knives stabbing into your body. You waited for him to take it back, for him to say he didn't mean it and that he loved you or even for just a glimmer of guilt in his eyes. But that didn't happen, he didn't show a bit of remorse. His dull eyes were still blank, so you straingted up and looked him dead in the eye. "Well then you can leave." You said hoping he would crack and beg you to forgive him. But he didn't. Instead he stood up, climbed out of the case and made his way out the front door without looking back. You couldn't take it anymore. You fell to the ground, tears streaming down your face. You hugged your knees as you screamed out in agony. After you calmed down a bit you went to do the one thing that could always cheer you up. Decorating the christmas tree.

Newt POV
How could she say that? How could she just tell me to get over it? I can't believe how stupid y/n is thinking I can just 'get over it'. In my anger I forgot to take my coat so I apparated to the one place I know I'm always welcome.
I hadn't even finished knocking when the door flew open and Queenie appeared. "Oh it's you." She sighed as she stepped aside so I could enter. "Nice to see you too." I said sarcastically. "I'm sorry I just thought you might have been Jacob." She apologized, sadness visible in her eyes. "Newt? What are you doing here? Did something happen?" Tina asked as she walked into the room. I was just about to awnser when Queenie slapped me across the face. "You selfish bastard!" She screamed at me. "Queenie! Why would you do that?!" Tina said grabbing her sister's arm. "You wanna know why? Because that bastard has been ignoring y/n for weeks and has just left her because she finally got tired of his idiotic behaviour and told him to stop living in the past! That's why!" She yelled furiously. I thought I'd told her to stop reading my mind. "Newt, is this true?" Tina looked at me with doubt in her eyes. "No," I said "I left her because she was acting selfish. She can't just tell me to get over Credence's death. She doesn't have the right to do that." "Well you didn't have the right to ignore her!" "Sshh Queenie let me handle this. Go to the kitchen." Queenie decided not to test her sister and angrily stomped away. "Newt, it's been months since Credence went away. Y/n is right you know. You should've moved on by now. You don't need to forget about him but you can't forget about your girlfriend either. She's always been by your side and she just wants what's best for you." I felt tears form in my eyes. Tina's right. Y/n's not the selfish one, I am. How could I just abandon her like that? "What have I done?" I asked looking up at Tina through glassy eyes. "Oh Newt just go back and apologize. I'm sure she'll take you back." "What if she doesn't? I can't lose her, Tina I really can't." I cried. She grabbed both my shoulders, forcing me to face her. "Look I'm not gonna lie. If I was her I'd probably already pushed you of a bridge by now. But I'm not her. You and I both know y/n is a forgiving person and she loves you very much so stop crying and get your ass back to her." Tina said while pushing me out of the door.

It felt almost like how it used to be. Almost. You were wairing the ugliest christmas sweater you could find, along with some comfy shorts and knee high socks. You had put on your favorite Christmas record and the tree was decorated beautifully. But it just didn't feel right, not without Newt.
You jumped up from your spot on the couch when you heard a weak voice behind you. "Y/n?" Newt looked even worse than when he left. His eyes were more red if that's even possible and tears were streaming down is face. Before you could say anything he closed the distance and wrapped his arms around you. "Oh Y/n I'm so sorry. I was wrong to push you away like that. Please please please take me back. Please I don't know what to do without you, I love you so much." He cried into your shoulder. You wanted to stay mad at him but you just couldn't. Instead you took his face in your hands and started wiping away the tears. "Hey Hey sssh it's okay. I forgive you. It's okay." He looked you in the eyes, not believing his own ears. "Y/n I don't know how I will ever be able to make it up to you." "I just wanna spend Christmas with you." You told him as you softly planted your lips on his.

It's almost Christmaaaaas yaaay :) I've been waiting for this moment since last Christmas. Are you guys doing anything special this year?
- Elena xxx

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