Sorting Ceremony

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Warning: it's gonna be short but fluffy, kinda

"Bye, Mommy. I'll miss you!" You said as you got on the Hogwarts Express. When you got your letter your parents were over the moon with happiness. As were you of course. The thought of going to the greatest wizardry school in the entire world was exciting, but terrifying at the same time.
Getting on the train was easy, finding a nice spot was a bit more difficult. You searched every cabin until finally finding one that wasn't too crowded. A boy about your age was mindlessly staring out of the window. You had to clear your throats to get him to notice you.

"Is it alright of I sit here? Everywhere else is full." The boy looked too shocked to speak for a moment before shyly nodding.

"S-sure that's okay." After you sat across from him you kept quiet, unsure of what to say to the seemingly uncomfortable boy. 

"What's that?" You asked when you saw something green poke out of his pocket.

"It's a bowtruckle, his name is Pickett." His eyes lit up as he carefully grabbed the small creature. Pickett seemed even more shy than the boy holding him. The green stick tried to hide itself behind the boy's thumb, making you laugh kindly.

"He's cute. I'm y/n by the way."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Newt." 

"Do you want to be my friend, Newt?" His big grin formed on his freckled face and he started nodding excitedly before he even opened his mouth to speak.

"I'd love to be your friend! No one's ever wanted to be my friend. Except my creatures of course, but I suppose they don't count."

"You have more creatures? Did you bring them with you? Can I see them?" 

"They're in my case, I'll show you when we get to the castle. Do you reckon we'll be in the same house?" He asked hopeful.

"It would be so great! We could meet in the commonroom everynight, and build forts, and talk all night, and have many adventures." The thought of your nightly adventures brought a smile to Newt's face as he imagined what it would be like to finally have a real friend. 

*Time skip all the way to the sorting ceremony cuz I can*

You nervously played with the seem of your robe. With your heart beating faster than ever, you waited for your name to be called. 

"Don't be nervous," Newt whispered from behind you. "You'll be fine."

His words stuck with you when you carefully walked to the small stool. You held your breath as the large sorting hat was placed on your small head. It seemed to think for awhile until finally after what seemed like years of silence, he shouted out.

"(Y/H)" You let out a sigh of relief and happily skidded over to the (y/h) table. After a few other kids were sorted it was Newt's turn. He seemed to be as nervous as you were, maybe even worse. He closed his eyes, waiting for the hat to speak.

"Hufflepuff!" His eyes searched yours as he took a place next to his new house mates. Though you were sad that you weren't in the same house, you smiled at him. 

After dinner you followed the rest of your house, keeping your head low.

"Y/n!" You turned around to see Newt running towards you. "Why didn't you wait for me?" 

"I thought you wouldn't want to be my friend anymore, since we aren't in the same house. You probably have made a million other friends by now." You sighed sadly. His soft giggling made you look up. (A/n yes, Newt giggles.)

"Of course I still want to be your friend! We're gonna be best friends for ever and ever!"

"Promise?" You asked hopeful.


A/n Should I do a part two that takes place when you're a few years older? So I thought this was gonna be short af but it turned out to be about as long as the things I usually write so uhm oops?

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