Merry Christmas

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You had always loved Christmas, that was until your boyfriend Newt decided it would be a good idea to go to America and leave you all alone. He'd promised that it would only be a few weeks, but months had passed and he still wasn't back. And now here you were, sitting all alone on your front porch, on Christmas Eve. 

Every day since he had left, you sat on your front porch waiting for your love to return. It was the last place you had seen him and therefor you felt closer to him when you sat in that spot. Even now when the only thing keeping you warm was a blanket and some eggnog, you sat in the spot, waiting for Newt's dorky smile to appear once again. 

As you sat there, your lips turning blue, you stared up at the sky. Though it had been snowing all day, the sky was bright and clear. The moonlight shining on the snow made the land look like something out of a fairytale. Millions of stars twinkled high above you, the sight of it made you smile slightly. All this time you thought you were alone, but once you looked up you saw all those little lights keeping you company. 

Then as if on cue a single star shot across the dark sky. On instinct your eyes closed, and only one thing stayed on your mind. Please bring Newt back to me. Please bring him home.

"Just so you know I would still love you if you were an icicle, but I would prefer it if you weren't frozen." Someone said, snapping you out of your thoughts. You would recognize that voice anywhere, but you couldn't believe it. And yet there he was, his hair a little longer than you remembered but his eyes still looked the same. They still held that spark you had always been so intrigued by.

Without a second thought you flung yourself in his open arms. Your arms wrapped around his neck, holding him as if he would disappear if you let him go. Tears streamed down your face as  you stood there.

"I thought you had left me." You managed to whisper. Newt pulled back from the embrace so he could look at you.

"I'd never leave you, love. You're my everything. These months without you were torture but I made a mess of things in America and I had to clean up my act. I'm so sorry for leaving, I promise you'll never have to miss me again." He said as he caressed your cheek. His lips touched yours in a sweet but passionate kiss. He'd been away for too long, and was desperate for your touch. 

"Merry Christmas, Newt." You smiled once you pulled away.

"Merry Christmas, Y/n." 

For the next few moments you just stood there, enjoying  each other's embrace. "Thank you." You whispered, looking up at the bright stars.  

A/n Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you have a lovely time :)

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