The shy one 2/2

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It was the day of the dance. You were basically drowning in self pity when someone came barging into your room. "Lily? How the hell did you get in here?" You asked suprised. "That doesn't matter, what matters is that you haven't left your room since yesterday and Remus said he saw you crying. So what happened?" You sighed as you sat up straight. "Newt isn't going to the dance with me." You said looking down at your lap. "Wait did he say no? But he obviously likes you." "He didn't say no, I didn't exactly ask him." "What why not?" She asked confused. "I heard him talking to Leta Lestrange, they're going together. I should've known there was something going on between those two." You tried not to start crying again but a few tears escaped. "Y/n I'm so sorry." She said while taking you in a tight embrace." "No it's fine. I didn't really feel like going to the dance anyway." "Oh I don't think so. You're still going to the dance and you're gonna show Newt what he's missing!" She said while dragging you out of your room. She wouldn't stop pulling at your hand until you were at the black lake, where you usually met with the Marauders. The boys started asking questions about what happened, so you repeated the story. "Well, I could take you." Remus said after you finished. You turned to him with a suprised look on your face. "Really? You'd do that for me?" "Of course I'd do that for you. You're my best friend, I want you to be happy." You smiled at his words and hugged him. "Thank you so much Remus, you're the best." "Hey! What about me? I'm nice too." James said feeling offended. "Don't forget about me, James." Sirius added, while Peter nodded. "Yeah alright, you guys are all awesome." You laughed. "Come on y/n we've got to get ready for tonight." Lily said dragging you away again. "See you tonight, my love." You heard James yell dramatically before you entereded the castle. "Hey could you stop dragging me everywhere? I can walk on my own you know." You told her. "Nope I have to drag you, otherwise you're to slow. Now go to your room, get your stuff and come to the gryffindor common room." She ordered.
Lily was adding the finishing touch to her make up, while you were standing in front of the mirror, taking in your appearance. You were wairing an elegant long f/c dress with a sweetheart neckline. Your h/c hair was curled to perfection and the front pieces were pinned to the back of your head. "You look absolutely beautiful y/n." Lily said as she came to stand next to you. "Thanks, you look so perfect. James isn't gonna be able to keep his eyes off you." You winked. The two of you walked out of her dorm and met the boys in the common room. You laughed at James' expression when he saw Lily. He looked like a little boy who just saw Santa. Unintentionally you felt a pang of jealousy. Why couldn't anyone look at you that way? Not wanting to think like that you strolled over to Remus. "You look stunning, y/n." He said as he offered you his arm and took you to the great hall. When you walked in you couldn't believe your eyes. The great hall was transformed into a winter wonderland. There were multiple Christmas trees spread around the room, all of them completely covered in snow. Icicles and misletoes were hanging from the ceiling. The dancefloor looked like a frozen lake, but it obviously wasn't slippery. "May I have this dance, my lady?" Remus asked with a smile while bowing. "Of course, my good sir." You replied laughing and making a small curtsy.

Newt POV
I was talking to my best - and only - friend Leta. She went to dance with some ravenclaw when she walked in. Y/f/n y/l/n. The girl I'd been hopelessly in love with since the first time I saw her. She looked like a godess. Her eyes lit up when she saw the decoration and it was probably the cutest thing I've ever seen in my entire life. But of course she was accompanied by Remus Lupin. I should've known there was something going on between those two. They're always together. I'd wanted to ask y/n to be my date but I was to scared so I just went with Leta. I felt jealousy build up in me as I watched Remus guide her to the dancefloor. I should be the one dancing with her. I should be the one holding her. I should be the one feeling her soft touch. I should be the one making her laugh. I should be the one getting a drink for her. I shook my head, feeling selfish for thinking that way. But I just wanted to be in Remus' place so badly. "Calm down Scamander, I can almost see the smoke coming out of your ears." Sirius Black said as he sat down next to me. I didn't know him very well. We had a few classes together and he's a friend of y/n but that's as far as my knowledge about him goes. "I just have one question." I nodded for him to continue. "If you like her that much why didn't you ask her to the dance?" I almost spit out my drink when he said that. "I-I don't know what you're talking about." I said with a red face. "Oh come on you and I both know you're head over heels for her. She's probably gonna kill me for telling you this but she feels the same way. She was actually going to ask you to be her date and when she found out you were going with Leta she was pretty sad." I looked up at him, not believing a word he says. "Does she really like me?" I asked with hope in my eyes. "No." He awnsered. My face fell immediately and I felt tears form. "She loves you. And if you don't tell her how you feel right now, I will make you." He continued before standing up and walking away to flirt with some girl. I looked around for a bit until I spotted y/n talking to Lily Evans. Alright Newt, it's now or never. I was nervous but I was also slightly scared of Sirius so I decided not to test him. I slowly made my way over to her and tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around and gave me her beautiful smile that almost made me faint. "Could I um t-talk to you for a moment?" God why can't I talk to her without stuttering? She nodded and Lily walked away, muttering something to herself that sounded a lot like 'I will murder you in your sleep'. "What's up?" Y/n asked looking up at me with her beautiful e/c eyes. I couldn't look her in the eyes. "I um I just w-wanted to say that I um think that y-you look very beautiful tonight and I-I." I sighed and closed my eyes. "IhavebeeninlovewithyousinceIfirstsawyouonthetrain!" I said all in one breath. She didn't respond, instead she put her hand on my cheek and forced me to look at her. "Do you really mean that?" I just nodded, not trusting my voice. She started leaning towards me until our noses were touching. "Newt," I nodded, "mistletoe." I looked up. Right above our heads there was a small mistletoe. I searched her eyes, asking for permission. She just connected our lips. I couldn't believe this was happening. I'd imagined this a thousand times, but it was better than I ever dreamed of. It was slow and passionate, she had wrapped her arms around my neck softly playing with my hair, while mine were wrapped around here waist. She pulled away and rested her head against my chest, listening to my rapid heartbeat. I put my head ontop of hers, silently swaying to the music. "Newt?" "Hmm?" "I love you too."

Alright I hope you liked it and I hope there was enough Newt fluff in this chapter :) as always don't forget to vote if you enjoyed it.
- Elly

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