Christmas miracle

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You were celebrating christmas with the Goldstein sisters, Jacob and Newt. You studied Newt's face as he told the company about the progress of his book. He had a little twinkle in his blue eyes and a bright smile on his thin lips. "Y/n are you listening?" Newt asked frowning a bit. "Uh y-yes of course." You blushed as you saw Queenie wink at you. Newt went back to going on about his book while you went back to studying him. It's not that you're not fascinated by all his stories, you just couldn't think straight with him in your presence. When the turkey got served you kept your gaze on your plate, sneaking a few glances at him. He caught your eye and smiled nervously, you quickly looked down again, feeling your cheeks heat up. "So Y/n, do you have a special guy?" Queenie asked with a smirk. You blushed again as your eyes travelled to Newt. "Y-Yeah there um might be someone." "Who's the lucky guy?" Jacob asked. "You don't know him." You awnserd way to quickly, completely giving away the obvious lie. Tina was about to question you when Newt stood up. "I um I have to go." Before anyone could protest he was out of the door. You could have sworn there were tears in his eyes. "He likes you Y/n." Queenie told you. Your eyes widened. "W-what no of-of course he doesn't." "Yes he does!" Everyone yelled at you. You couldn't find any words to say, you just sat there, shocked by the new information. "Go after him sweetie." Tina said pushing you out of the appartment. "Don't come back 'till you guys kiss." Was the last thing you heard before the door slammed shut. You quickly ran outside looking for Newt. You found him not far from the building, leaning against a lamppost. "Newt?" You asked, placing your hand on his shoulder. He turned around, his eyes red and wet from crying. "Oh Newt, what's wrong darling?" "I-it doesn't matter... not anymore." He started walking away from you before you grabbed his wrist pulling him into you. Placing your hand on his cheek you started slowly leaning in. Your eyes fluttered close as his lips touched yours. Your lips moved in sync while he wrapped his suprisingly muscular arms around your waist. When you pulled away you rested your foreheads together. The feeling of his warm breath on your lips made you smile. You lifted your head to study him again. His beautiful face got illuminated by the light of the street light, snowflakes covered his slightly ginger hair, but the thing that stood out most of all was the small twinkle that was once again visible in his eyes. "I love you, Newt." You said, bumping his nose with yours. A childlike grin spread across his face. "I love you too." He pulled you into his chest, softly swaying to the sound of the wind moving through the trees and the christmas music coming from the houses.

- I hope you liked it! Merry Christmas everyone :) I hope you have a splendid time.

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