Only you (p1)

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The first thing you had noticed when the sorting hat yelled 'Ravenclaw' was a boy your age. He was staring at you with a shy gaze from his place at the Hufflepuff table.
As you quickly skipped over to your own table you couldn't help but look back at the boy. You sent him a small wave before directing your attention to your new housemates.

*first day of lessons*

You sighed in defeat as you plopped down on a bench. You'd gotten lost on the way to your first class and you had absolutely no idea where you had ended up. As you were about to give up and just go back to the great hall (if you could find it that is) an older boy walked up to you.

"Excuse me, aren't you supposed to be in class?" He asked.

"I got lost." You answered a bit embarrassed.

"Oh well I can show you to your class if you'd like?"

"That would be really nice..."

"Theseus." He smiled, answering your unspoken question. "Theseus Scamander." (A/n Theseus is only a year older than Newt here 'cause otherwise this would get kinda weird)

"I'm Y/f/n Y/l/n." He nodded with a smile as he took your hand, directing you through the castle. After turning a few corners you finally arrived at your classroom.

"Sorry to disturb your lesson professor Dumbledore, I'm afraid Y/n here got lost in the castle." Theseus explained. Your eyes wandered the classroom until you once again noticed the boy with the auburn curls. At first he smiled at you, but it soon flattered when he noticed your hand still tightly held by Theseus.

"No worries, it happens to the best of us." Dumbledore smiled. "Just take a seat." Of course the only empty seat was next to the mysterious boy. You thanked Theseus before slowly making your way over to the desk.

"Hello, I'm Y/n." You said, extending your hand. He hesitated for a bit before softly grasping your hand.

"I'm Newt, I'm Theseus' brother."

After that day you and the Scamander brothers had become practically inseparable. You spent almost every holiday together and constantly met up in the summer. Over the years you noticed that Theseus seemed to have developed a crush on you, but you only had eyes for one brother.
You didn't know when it had happened exactly, but you had fallen head over heels in love with Newt. At first you had tried to make him see, but after he rejected all your flirting attempts you just assumed he didn't feel the same way. It broke your heart to see him grow closer and closer to Leta, but you couldn't force him to love you. Little did you know he didn't need any forcing.
When Newt first laid eyes on you he was awestruck. He couldn't fantom how you were actually a human being and not an angel of some sort. At 11 years old he thought you were the most beautiful person he'd ever seen, and that never changed. He tried to flirt with you, he really did, but due to his 'slightly' awkward nature it just never came out right. He quickly gave up his attempts when he noticed Theseus seeing you in a different light, everyone had always preferred his brother so why wouldn't you?

*couple years after graduation*

When Theseus graduated nothing really seemed to change all that much. He'd come to hogsmeade as much as he could, he wrote letters almost everyday, and you'd still spend every holiday together.
But when you and Newt graduated as well, you all started to see each other less and less. That's why it came as such a surprise when you received a letter from Newt, asking you to come over because he had some great news.
As you stepped out of the Scamander's fireplace you quickly noticed that nothing had changed. You felt as if you were still teenagers coming together in the summer.
Theseus immediately engulfed you in a tight hug and to your surprise even Newt gave you a small hug.

"Alright so what's the big news?" You asked, plopping down on the couch.

"Well," Newt started, taking a deep breath. "I'm leaving to America in three days."

"What? How long?" Tears started to fill your eyes at the thought of him leaving.

Newt's pov

"What? How long?" Y/n sputtered. I hated seeing her sad, especially when I'm the cause of it. But I just couldn't stay here and watch her fall in love with Theseus. Of course I'll have to come back someday, but maybe by then I'll be over it. (Which I highly doubt)

"I don't know, a couple of months maybe." I said, not daring to look at her. "I wanted to say goodbye now instead of when I actually leave. It's just easier that way."

The pain and disappointment in her eyes really hit me hard, but I just couldn't stay. Being so close to her as friends, but knowing it'll be never more than that hurt too much.
I loved her, but I would never be able to be as good as Theseus, so I left.

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