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You were bored to death. All day long you had been stuck at home because of some stupid blizard. At first you didn't mind because you figured you could have a lazy day with your boyfriend Newt. But of course he had other plans. He had been working on his book the whole day while you were getting more bored every second.
"Neeeeeewt?" You said trying to get his attention. He was to focussed on his book to hear a word you said. "Newtieeee?" You tried again, getting up from your spot on the couch and sitting beside him. He hummed in response. "Newt, I'm boreeeed." You whined. "I'll be done in a bit love, I just have a few more pages to write and then I'm all yours." He said as he lightly pecked your nose. Not satisfied with his awnser you started poking his cheek while repeating his name over and over again. When this didn't work you started leaving soft kisses all over his face, starting at his jaw and then moving your way up to his forehead. You had just reached the corner of his mouth when he cracked. "Okay y/n. I didn't want to do this but you asked for it." He jokingly threatened. Knowing what was coming you sprinted away with him on your heels. You ran all through the house until you noticed he wasn't behind you anymore. You thought you'd lost him so you quietly made your way back to the living room. Just as you were about to go into the kitchen you felt two arms wrap around your waist. You let out a shriek as he tossed you on the couch. He quickly got on top of you preventing you from escaping as he started tickling you. "NEWT STOP IT." You laughed as you tried to get out from underneath him. "I WILL SHOW NO MERCY UNLESS YOU SAY THE MAGIC WORDS." "NEVER." You shouted back at him. He continued tickling you, knowing you weren't gonna win this you gave up. "ALRIGHT ALRIGHT I'LL SAY IT." He stopped and looked at you expectantly. "Newt Scamander is the most adorable creature to have ever walked this earth and he's also totally awesome." You said while trying to catch your breath. "See that wasn't that hard princess." You playfully hit his arm. "You're lucky you're cute." He smiled as he laid down next to you and pulled you into him. "How about we have that lazy evening you wanted?" He asked.

Newt Scamander imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now