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You and Newt had been dating for about two years now and it was siriusly (pun intended) the best time of your life. Not only was he your boyfriend but he was also your best friend. He was still a bit shy when you first started dating but after a while he started being a bit more confident. He wasn't cocky or anything he just managed to make eyecontact with you and talk to you without stuttering. So it worried you when all day long he hadn't looked you in the eyes and had hardly said a word. You were scared he had grown tired of you and wanted to break up so when called out your name you prepared yourself for the worst.
"Y/n I'm just going to the store to get some um eggs." He wringing his hands as he nervously looked at his watch. "But I just bought eggs yesterday." You said confused. "Did I say eggs? I meant to say um you know um that one thing. Alright bye." With that he was out of the door. This confused you even more but you tried to stay calm. As time passed you started panicking. What if he was cheating on you? Newt wouldn't do that would he? Of course he wouldn't he's a Hufflepuff. They're loyal and kind. You kept telling yourself this until you heard a knock at the door. You swiftly got up and opened the door only to see a smiling Queenie in front of you. "Queenie? What are you doing here?" "Ssh no time for questions, here go put this on." She said as she pushed a brown bag into your hands. You were about to ask her why when she awnserd. "That's a suprise sweetheart. Now go change or you'll be late." You gave her a final questioning look as you turned around and quickly went to your room. Inside the bag was a beautiful blue dress (just imagine the one Queenie puts on when Newt and Jacob first enter their appartment). Once you were dressed you made your way back to Queenie. When you were about to ask her what this was all about she read your mind again. "I can't tell you yet sweetie (Hello sweetie 😏). You'll see soon enough." She said while dragging you out of the house. You walked for a bit until you stopped in front of Jacob's bakery. "Alright this is my stop. Here, I have orders to give you this." She winked as she gave you a small piece of paper. In Newt's messy handwriting it said: Go into the bakery. Jacob has something for you. You wanted to ask Queenie what it meant but she had already disapparated. Not knowing what else to do you walked into the small store. Jacob looked up from the counter as he heard the bell ring. "Ah Y/n, I've been expecting you." He said before he disappeared to the back of the store. Moments later he came back with a bouquet of beautiful roses(which ever flowers you prefer). "Here you go, honey. Don't forget to read the little note over there." He said while pointing at the little piece of paper tied at the bottom. You thanked him as you left the store again. This time the note said: Eleven of the twelfe roses are in your hands. The twelft rose is in the place where you first fell in love with me. Find it and you find your suprise. You laughed at this knowing very well what he meant. You fell in love with him when you saw him preform his little mating call dance for the erumpent. He was trying to seduce a creature but seduced you instead. You walked to central park where the lake was frozen and the trees were covered in snow, just like last time. When you arrived Tina was waiting for you, holding a single red rose and an envelope. "Goodevening y/n this is your last stop but first of all you have to read the letter. Have fun." She smiled as she disapparated leaving you alone in the cold. You opened the letter and started reading. Dear y/n, for two years now you have been the light in my life. You illuminate my world when darkness tries to creep up on me. You don't even need magic to make my world magical. Everything about you is perfect, your brilliant smile, your sparkling eyes, your red lips, your pink cheeks, your beautiful h/c hair. I could go on and on about all the things I love about you but that would take me a lifetime. That's also the reason you are here. Turn around, love. You turned around, tears of happines streaming down your face as you saw Newt infront of you on one knee with a small black box in his hand. "I told you it would take a lifetime to sum up all the things I love about you. And that's what I intend to do. Y/f/n y/l/n will you do me the honor of becoming my wife so I can tell you how much I love you for the rest of my life?" He asked as he opened the box. You giggled as you awnserd. "Of course I will, darling. But there is one problem though." You tried to contain your laughter when you saw the confused look on his face. "The box is empty." You couldn't hold it in anymore and started laughing as realisation hit him. "Merlin's beard, that bloody niffler." He said but he couldn't help the smile that formed on his lips as he pulled you into his arms.

- I hope you guys liked it :) don't forget to send in your requests if you have any. I finish my exams tomorrow so I'll have a lot more time to write ;)

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